AGENDA #3c(1)
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Bill Strom, Council Member
SUBJECT: Fixed Guideway Corridors
DATE: January 28, 2002
On January 14, 2002, the Council discussed the need to evaluate possible fixed guideway corridors designed to link major employment and residential areas of Chapel Hill with Durham, Raleigh, the Research Triangle Park and RDU International Airport. We discussed the possible modification of the scope of work for the NC 54/I-40 Transit Corridor Study to incorporate a more thorough evaluation of possible fixed guideway corridors. The Council directed me to prepare a draft resolution, suggesting an approach to complete this evaluation.
After discussions with staff, I believe that this issue should be discussed at the February 11, 2002 Council meeting. At that time staff will provide the Council with an evaluation of possible fixed guideway connections between the Gateway area and anticipated development on the Horace Williams property. The Council can discuss the possible Gateway to Horace Williams connections and any other fixed guideway corridors that they wish to have evaluated.