TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Process for Recommending Appointment to the Horace Williams Planning Advisory Committee
DATE: February 25, 2002
During discussions of the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the University’s Development Plan, the University proposed and the Town agreed to appoint two members of the Town Council to serve on the University’s Horace Williams Planning Advisory Committee, as well as two citizens to be chosen by the University and the Town.
The Council on December 3, 2001, appointed Council Members Flicka Bateman and Jim Ward to serve on this Committee, with Council Member Bill Strom serving as an alternate.
The normal process for appointment of citizens to advisory boards would be to advertise and accept applications from interested citizens, and then forward those names to the Council for nomination and appointment. For this Committee, the agreement with the University states that two residents would be appointed after joint consultation between the Town and the University.
We believe that the provision for consultation would give the University the right to decline as well as to agree to specific appointment recommendations of the Council to this Committee.
We recommend that the Council follow its normal process to recruit applicants, and then forward a recommendation to the University of two citizens to serve on the Committee.
We will appreciate the Council’s instructions regarding these appointments.