TO: Mayor Foy and Council
FROM: John Covach, Chair, Parks and Recreation Commission
RE: Response to Chatham County Together CCT!) Request
DATE: February 21, 2002
At its February 20 meeting the Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to the following to the Council regarding the Chatham County Together (CCT!) request for complimentary passes to use the Town’s Community Center facilities:
While we commend the CCT! for its work and appreciate the organization’s
need for quality recreation facilities, we do not believe it would be appropriate
to provide Town services to Chatham County residents at no charge or at a
reduced rate from fees set in the adopted User Fee Policy. We encourage CCT! staff
to work with Town staff to rent pool time.
Voting in favor of the motion: Covach, Rohrbacher, Anderson, Broad, Caldwell, Hemminger, and Jones.