[sl1] [sl2] AGENDA #6b




TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Acceptance and Referral of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee’s Report


DATE:             February 25, 2002


The attached resolution would thank the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee for their work and accept their report entitled Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Town of Chapel Hill, February 25, 2002. The resolution would also refer the report to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Greenways Commission, Housing and Community Development Advisory Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Board, Transportation Board and the Town Manager for comments and recommendations. In addition, courtesy copies would be provided to the Orange County Commissioners, Carrboro Board of Aldermen, and the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group.




Section 11A-7 of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan contains an objective “To develop and implement a plan to meet future community needs for park and recreation facilities”.  In 1999, the Council authorized the Manager to develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and to help guide parks related decisions over a 10 year period. Major themes and goals of the Comprehensive Plan that are addressed in the proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan include:


·        Relationship of the Town to the existing Urban Service District and Rural Buffer

·        Regional planning efforts

·        Preservation of existing neighborhoods

·        Conservation of the Town’s natural setting

·        Completion of the Town’s greenway/bikeway/sidewalk system

·        Development of financial strategies to achieve parks and recreation goals


In 2000, the Parks and Recreation Commission appointed Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee representatives that included members of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Greenways Commission, Planning Board, and citizens at-large. The Committee first met in June 2000. Seven focus group meetings were held in September 2000. Public forums were held in September 2000 and January 2001. The Committee approved the draft plan on December 19, 2001.





The Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee has completed its work and now submits its report to the Council. The Council could accept the Report from the Committee and refer it to Boards, Commissions and the staff for further review. If the Council accepts and refers this Report we would collect comments and recommendations from all sources including board members, citizens, and staff; and make them available to the Council at a public hearing on April 8. We believe that final Council consideration and possible adoption of the Report could take place on May 13. The final adopted Report would be modified to address any changes and corrections required by the Council.


We recommend the following schedule:


February 2002

·        Referral of  the draft plan to boards, commissions, and staff for comments


March 2002

·        Review of  the draft plan by boards, commissions, and staff

·        Provision of  copies to County Commissioners and staff


April 2002

·        Public Hearing on the regular business meeting of April 8


May 2002

·        Town Council consideration for action on May 13





Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following resolution that would:


·        Thank the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee for their work and accept their Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Town of Chapel Hill, February 25, 2002.

·        Refer the report to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Greenways Commission, Housing and Community Development Advisory Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Board, Transportation Board and the Town Manager for comments and recommendations.

·        Authorize the Manager to provide copies to the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, Intergovernmental Parks Work Group, and Orange County Commissioners.





WHEREAS, the Council authorized the Manager to develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission created the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee to make recommendations related to the Town’s efforts to develop and maintain a park system for a 10-year period; and


WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee has completed and presented its report;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council accepts the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Town of Chapel Hill, February 25, 2002 and refers the report to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Greenways Commission, Housing and Community Development Advisory Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Board, Transportation Board and the Town Manager for comments and recommendations.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Manager is authorized to make copies of the report available to the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, Intergovernmental Parks Work Group, and Orange County Commissioners.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council expresses its gratitude to John J.B. Anderson, Phillip Berke, Bill Bracey, Mark Broadwell, Dan Costa, Martin Feinstein, Bob Reda and Andrea Rohrbacher, members of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee for their hard work and service to the Chapel Hill community.


This the 25th day of February, 2002.

