    Actual 2001-2002 Estimated Estimated % Increase
    2000-2001 Budgeted 2001-2002 Revenues (Decrease) from
REVENUE SOURCE   Revenues Revenues Revenues For 2002-2003 Original Budget
Federal Hurricane Relief (1) 73,024 0 0 0 -
State Hurricane Relief (1) 6,727 0 0 0 -
Garbage Collection Revenue (2) 14,476 293,400 88,000 90,000 -69.3%
Special Trash Collection   9,723 14,000 13,900 14,000 0.0%
Compactor Fees   19,393 24,000 29,000 24,000 0.0%
Street Cut Revenues (3)   29,159 30,000 60,000 30,000 0.0%
Right-of-way Mowing Revenues (4) 0 2,000 13,400 0 -100.0%
Traffic Signals   100,290 111,000 114,000 114,000 2.7%
Sales: Roll Carts   3,895 3,000 2,500 4,500 50.0%
Motor Fuel Sales - Non-profit (5) 34,065 6,600 3,600 4,600 -30.3%
Pay Phone Commission Revenues 2,792 5,000 900 1,000 -80.0%  
Miscellaneous Revenues (6) 14,011 27,100 27,300 0 -100.0%  
   TOTAL   307,555 516,100 352,600 282,100 -45.3%
(1) Intergovernmental grant funds related to severe winter storm
(2) New commercial fee system established in November, 2001; revenue shortfall results from most businesses opting 
for once weekly service for which no fee is charged (assumption was that these businesses would need two weekly 
(3) Higher than usual estimate for 2001-02 relates to unusually high number of street cuts by OWASA
(4) State-shared revenues; the 2001-2 estimate represents payment for several prior years. No revenue assumed next 
year due to state revenue crisis
(5) Prior to 2001-02, revenues represented full receipts from fuel sales to outside agencies; starting in 2001-02, revenues 
recorded represent only the 10% amount the Town receives beyond actual costs
(6) Account represents Town of Carrboro's payment of half of costs for Occupational Health & Safety Officer; in 2002-03, 
this position is proposed for full-, rather than half-time status