TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Gregg Jarvies, Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Follow up on February 20 Budget Work Session
DATE: March 6, 2002
During the February 20 work session the Council requested information regarding past Town funding of human service agencies.
In the past five years the Town has allocated an average of $177,480 annually for nonprofit agencies that provide programs that address priority human service needs for Chapel Hill residents. A total of 43 agencies have requested funds during this period and an average of 27 agencies have been funded each year. The service areas include parent and family support, youth services, programs for senior citizens, substance abuse treatment and services to the Latino community. Funding for the past five years totals $887,400.
The attached spreadsheet identifies the agencies funded, areas of service and amounts allocated for the past five years. A number of agencies address more than one service area.