Program Goals

The campers will participate in a range of enjoyable summer adventures designed to foster social interaction, facilitate personal growth, and develop recreational skills.


Program Objectives

A number of day camp program objectives have been developed to provide direction to the overall program effort.  These are stated in the terms of three categories:  social, personal, and recreational.



ü      To Create opportunities for individuals to work with others in a group setting and to develop friendships.

ü      To provide opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills.

ü      To facilitate opportunities for social interaction between children, leading to a positive sense of self worth.



ü      To provide an environment in which individual creativity and independence are encouraged.

ü      To improve self-esteem and identify personal strengths.

ü      To encourage responsibility and awareness of individual differences.




ü      To increase the quality of life, health and fitness.

ü      To promote the development and acquisition of lifelong leisure skills.

ü      To provide new experiences by participating in a variety of leisure pursuits.

ü      To HAVE FUN!














The funding for this camp is contingent upon the Chapel Hill Town Council’s approval of a third camp site for summer 2002.


Camp Escapade is designed to meet the needs of children of school-age (1st-12th grades), who have moderate to severe disabilities and are unable to benefit from customary inclusion services provided by the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department. 


Looking for summer adventures filled with fun and action-packed activities?  Each 8, one week session features a different theme and includes a field trip, sports, games, arts, crafts, cooking projects, theme oriented activities and swimming.  We provide a morning and afternoon snack, but campers need to bring a sack lunch, swimsuit and towel. 


Session I:          June 17-June 21           M-F 7:30a-6:00p

Session II:        June 24-June 28           M-F 7:30a-6:00p

Session III:       July 1-July 5                 M-F 7:30a-6:00p         Camp will not be held July 4th.

Session IV:       July 8-July 12               M-F 7:30a-6:00p

Session V:        July 15-July 19 M-F 7:30a-6:00p

Session VI:       July 22-July 26 M-F 7:30a-6:00p

Session VII:      July 29- August 2         M-F 7:30a-6:00p

Session VIII:    August 5-August 9        M-F 7:30a-6:00p


Fee per session:            ???


Location:                      ???


Limit:                            15 per session    


Vision Statement


Camp Escapade is committed to enriching and enhancing the welfare of children in our community.  We will reach out with warmth, sincerity, and genuine interest to those that we serve.


We are committed to pursuing excellence in all of our endeavors.  It is our desire to provide activities, programs, and services that observe the highest standards of quality, creativity and safety.  It is our intent to create a camp environment, which emphasizes the joy of sharing, the thrill of discovery, and the fun of companionship.  We are dedicated to expanding the horizons of those we serve by enhancing and enriching their social, physical, and emotional well-being.