Table 1A. Comparison of Identified Needs to Scheduled Funding
Ref # Facility 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total:  2002-17
1. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS FACILITIES                                  
a Fire Station No. 1     87,980         43,990 76,850 8,692     43,990       261,502
b Fire Station No. 2   8,611   12,644         29,103 29,539   7,630 1,417       88,944
c Fire Station No. 3   5,300 82,998       4,452 7,420         7,420       107,590
d Fire Station No. 4   68,688 5,830 16,112   4,452     34,980               130,062
e Fire Station No. 5 (request)           15,900     5,300   15,900           37,100
f Fire Training Facilities (request)     31,800     31,800     31,800     31,800     31,800   159,000
g Parks and Recreation Offices 23,320 11,236 3,816   7,420       2,120 26,500         7,420   81,832
h Police Station (non-Bond projects)1   21,200 307,400 95,400       159,000   7,950     159,000       749,950
i Public Works Compound (request)2   12,720 7,420 12,720 5,300 5,300     9,540       5,300       58,300
j Town Hall   60,000   43,248 1,060 45,580 5,088   5,300         5,300       165,576
k Town Hall Parking Deck   7,420     8,904         8,904         8,904     34,132
2. TOWN FACILITIES LEASED BY OTHERS                                  
l IFC Shelter       15,260     15,260   6,649 15,260     15,260   6,649   74,338
m Museum                         20,458   14,840   35,298
n Post Office/Courthouse       1,308   68,997   12,862 13,298 48,287       1,308     146,060
3. INFRASTRUCTURE                                  
4. COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY                                  
5. PARKS AND OTHER PUBLIC USE FACILITIES                                  
o A.D. Clark Pool   6,867 6,867 10,573 6,867 14,497 10,573 6,867 6,867 10,573 18,203 8,720 8,720 6,867 8,720   131,781
p Hargraves Center       16,023 3,597   16,023     16,023     16,023       67,689
q Community Center (Estes Drive)                   44,520             44,520
r  Library 45,580 16,112   53,000   54,590 11,660               53,000   233,942
s Northside Gym   2,968   3,392 3,392 3,816 2,968 6,254       6,360         29,150
t  Park Restrooms/Bathhouses 2,544 26,924 8,374 2,014 6,890 954 3,286 1,060 954 8,798 1,060 2,226 2,014 1,060 954   69,112
  Annual Needs 138,864 180,626 585,733 248,410 79,046 205,394 64,222 242,753 226,365 216,142 35,163 56,736 284,902 18,139 123,383 0 2,705,878
  Cumulative Deferred, Cyclical Maintenance 138,864 319,490 905,223 853,633 632,679 538,073 302,295 245,048 221,413 187,555 (27,282) (20,546) 189,356 (92,505) 5,878 (144,122) 2,411,756
  Annual Allocation for Facility Maintenance     300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 50,000 75,000 300,000 25,000 150,000 150,000 3,000,000
  Unfunded Cumulative Deferred, Cyclical Maint. 138,864 319,490 605,223 553,633 332,679 238,073 2,295 (4,952) (28,587) (62,445) (77,282) (95,546) (110,644) (117,505) (144,122) (294,122) (588,244)
1 Project costs in addition to renovations funded with 1996 bond issue
2 Building Assessment project costs for facilities at Public Works compound, including Transportation facilities, are not included in this chart due to plans to construct a new facility at a new location. 
 Costs shown are requested funds for extraordinary maintenance at the compound prior to the move.
3 Negative amounts appear in years where the allocated funding exceeds the projected maintenance needs for the given year as indicated in the 2000 Facility Condition Assessment.
       38,000          37,000      36,000      35,000      34,000      33,000      32,000      31,000      30,000      29,000      28,000     376,000