BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following resolutions and ordinances as submitted by the Town Manager in regard to the following:
a. |
Adoption of Minutes of February 27, March 1, 4, 6, and 18, 25 and 26. |
b. |
Nominations to OWASA, Planning Board, and Technology Committee (R-3). |
c. |
Resolution Referring April 22 Petitions to the Manager for Follow-up Reports (R-4). |
d. |
Consideration of Demolition of House at 112 Basnight Lane (O-1). |
e. |
Recommended Process to Amend the 2001-02 Community Development Program (R-5). |
f. |
Project Closeout for the Lower Booker Creek Trail Project (O-2a, O-2b). |
g. |
Bid for Construction of the Jones Ferry Road Park/Ride Lot (R-6, O-3). |
h. |
Resolution Requesting Review of Immigration Laws and Policies) (Council Member Strom) (R-7). |
i. |
Consideration of Approval of Audit Contract (R-8). |
j. |
Resolution Scheduling Assembly of Governments Meeting on April 29, 2002 (R-9) |
k. |
Proposed Expenditures from 1996 Public Safety Bond Package (R-10). |
This the 22nd day of April, 2002.