Usage Chart for Town of Chapel Hill Web Site for January 2002




The following table summarizes the meaning of terms in the statistics report that is employed by PSINet’s reporting tools:






A hit is any response from the server to the user’s computer. If, for example, a web page has two pictures embedded, the server generates three hits: one hit for the web page itself and two hits for the two embedded pictures.



If the user requests a document and the server successfully sends back a file for the request, this is counted as a file response. Because the Town site includes a large number of text documents for agenda and minutes that do not include imbedded images, the file value will be nearly equal to the hit value. As use of graphic images increases the margin of difference between hits and files will increase.



Sites are the sum of all unique users or computers accessing the server during a given month. This means that if a user accesses the server very often, it gets counted only once during the whole month.

KBytes transferred


Kbytes is the amount of data in kilobytes sent each day during the month. This value is used in calculating fees for data transfers beyond the base amount in the service contract.