TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Follow-up Report on Development Ordinance Revision Project


DATE:             January 14, 2002





This memorandum reviews the history of this project to revise Chapel Hill’s Development Ordinance, transmits to the Council written comments that we have received on the most recent version of this revision (“2nd Draft”, originally released in August, 2001), suggests a means for the Council to offer direction to staff and consultant for preparation of a next draft, and discusses procedural options.  The Town’s consultant, Mr. Mark White, will be at tonight’s meeting for discussions with the Council.  We recommend that the Council take one of the following possible actions tonight:


  1. Give direction to Mr. White and Town Staff regarding changes the Council wishes to see incorporated into the 3rd Draft;  or


  1. Decide on an amended schedule for further consideration of the 2nd Draft.




The Town Council held a Public Hearing on September 20 to consider a Development Ordinance text amendment for the second draft of the revised Development Ordinance.   The Town’s consultant, Mr. Mark White of Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle, was on hand to present the 2nd Draft, answer questions, and participate in the discussion. The Council discussed changes that had been made in the 2nd Draft, and heard presentations by Advisory Boards and citizens. Attachment 1 includes all written correspondence that has been presented in reaction to the 2nd Draft, with a cover memorandum that summarizes and highlights the key suggestions that have been offered.


At the conclusion of the September 20 hearing, the Council asked the Town Manager to prepare a follow-up report with suggestions about next steps, which the Council subsequently discussed on October 10.  On that date, the Council decided:



·        To extend the schedule for this project (along with the consultant’s contract);

·        To allow additional time for review of the 2nd Draft;

·        To direct the Manager to conduct a workshop to examine how the proposed regulations would affect actual projects;

·        To discuss on January 14 what direction to give the consultant for a 3rd Draft;  and

·        To call a Public Hearing for April 15 to consider a 3rd Draft.


A copy of our September 20 memorandum is attached, which reviews the background and context for this project, highlights key new ideas that are being proposed with this Development Ordinance Revision, and highlights the changes between Draft #1 and Draft #2. 


Paper copies of Draft #2 have previously been distributed, and continue to be available for review in the Town Clerk’s Office, the Planning Department, and the Chapel Hill Public Library.  Electronic versions are available on compact disk (available in the Planning Department at no charge) and on the Town’s website:




We believe that the next key step is for the Council to give specific direction to staff and consultant on a variety of key points.  Examples of the types of direction that would be helpful include:


·        Which model for Concept Plan Review should be included in the Ordinance?

·        Are the maximum parking specifications acceptable?  Should they be reconsidered?

·        The Planning Board proposed deferring action on Article 2 for now.  Acceptable?

·        Which of the suggested changes to the RCD ordinance should be included?

·        How much Council discretion and flexibility should be written into the Ordinance?

·        Should Transfer of Development Rights be included, or reserved?

·        Should there be stronger requirements for sidewalk construction?

·        Is the “Neighborhood Conservation District” model one that should be included?

·        Should stormwater management requirements be applied to single-family lots?

·        Should the “Inclusionary Housing” provisions be included?

·        Should the alternate approaches to “small house” provisions be incorporated?

·        Which of the comments that have been suggested by citizens and Advisory Boards should be included in the 3rd Draft?


We offer a discussion paper that is organized as outlined above, with recommendations for direction to the consultant (please see Attachment 2).  We suggest that the Council use this attachment as a guide for tonight’s discussion.




We recommend that the Council adopt the attached Resolution A, giving our consultant direction regarding preparation of a 3rd Draft of the Development Ordinance Revision.


An alternate approach would be for the Council to decide to take additional time for consideration of the 2nd Draft, before offering direction as to changes to make in preparing a 3rd Draft.  If the Council chooses this approach, we suggest that the Council schedule a time to discuss the draft in a work session format, with intent to offer direction to the consultant at the Council’s February 25 business meeting.  Accordingly, the scheduled Public Hearing date on the 3rd Draft would need to be shifted from April 15 to May 20.  This would still keep alive the possibility of the Council being in a position to adopt a new ordinance before summer.  If the Council chooses this approach, we will discuss with the consultant what changes/extensions to the contract for this project would be necessary, depending on the schedule and sequence of meetings the Council determines appropriate.  Adoption of Resolution B would shift the Public Hearing date and declare the Council’s intent regarding schedule.




1.      Comments from Advisory Boards and Citizens (p. 6).




Review of 2nd Draft of Development Ordinance Revision:



August-December, 2001

Compiled January 8, 2002 by Chapel Hill Planning Department



The Town Council held a Public Hearing on September 20, 2001 to consider the 2nd Draft of a proposed Development Ordinance for Chapel Hill.  This report contains copies of all comments that were submitted before, during, and after the hearing.  In order to collect all comments together, this compilation also includes staff comments that have come from Town and County departments.  Please refer to the attached memoranda for full comments from boards and citizens.  Immediately following are summaries and highlights of the attached documents.




Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board



Community Design Commission:





Greenways Commission:



Parks and Recreation Commission:



Planning Board:



Transportation Board:





Mr. Dale Coker:



Ms. Sally Greene:



Ms. Patricia Love:



Ms. Eva Metzger:



Mr. Adam Zinn:



Central Carolina Bank:



Duke Power:



PSNC Energy:





Engineering Department:




Fire Department:



Parks and Recreation Department:



Planning Department:



Public Works Department:



Solid Waste Department (Orange County):



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