TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Revised Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan
DATE: June 24, 2002
The attached resolution would authorize the Manager to implement a revised Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan for the Merritt Pasture.
The Town purchased the Merritt Pasture in 1991 for $400,000, using the proceeds of the 1989 Parks bond.
On April 26, 1999, the Council charged the Greenways and Parks and Recreation Commissions to investigate potential access to the Merritt Pasture and other issues. The Commissions created a Committee consisting of members of both Commissions, nearby residents, and citizens at large. The Merritt Pasture Access Committee finalized its Report in August 2000. The Report recommended that a permanent access be developed from the west and that a vegetation management plan be adopted.
On November 27, 2000, the Council adopted the Report. The resolution included a provision that a Vegetation Management Plan be developed for later consideration by the Council.
On November 12, 2001, the Council reviewed a draft Vegetation and Maintenance Plan for the pasture. The Council authorized the Manager to proceed with certain portions of the plan and asked the Committee to reconsider some of its recommendations related to mowing.
On January 24, 2002, the Committee met with representatives of the UNC Botanical Garden and voted unanimously to support adoption of a revised vegetation and maintenance plan that is based on zone management of the pasture. The recommendations of the Committee are consistent with the attached revised Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan.
Description of the Property: The Merritt Pasture is a 30-acre parcel bounded to the south by Morgan Creek, to the west by the Duke Energy sub-station and Highway 15-501, to the north by homes that front on Winter Drive, and to the east by homes that front on Morgan Creek Road. The property is predominantly cleared and large portions are occasionally mowed. Some mature trees are found on the property, predominantly along Morgan Creek and at the rear of the lots that face Morgan Creek Road. Since grazing on the pasture ended in the early 1990s, saplings and vines now dominate several sections of what was once pasture. Please see the sketch on page 3 of the attached Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan.
Work Completed: The Public Works Department has completed a number of elements of the plan that were authorized by the Council in November 2001. Specific tasks completed include:
· Initial clearing of trees from the Fordham Boulevard Area (Zone 1)
· Spring 2002 mowing of the Western Interior (Zone 2)
· Spring 2002 mowing of the Milkweed Area (Zone 3)
· Pond edge trees were removed from the pond dam in May 2002.
· The maintenance access gate and fence were repaired in June 2002.
· A gate suitable for pedestrians was installed adjacent to the existing maintenance access gate in June 2002.
Revised Maintenance Plan: The Committee met on January 24, 2002, with a Council representative, a representative of the UNC Botanical Garden, and neighbors. The Committee revised its November 2001 recommendations to address a number of concerns including:
Biodiversity Enhancement
The revised plan for pasture renovation would create a number of zones with different mowing schedules. Schedules would vary according to the management goals of each zone.
One area of about 10 acres (Zone 2 on the attached map) would be maintained in a manner that is consistent with past pasture operations. Mowing and/or haymaking would take place in the spring and fall. In unusually wet years a third mowing may be necessary to allow for passive recreation. Existing pockets of trees would be retained and some new trees would be allowed to grow in order to provide some vegetative diversity while maintaining the current look and feel of the land.
Other areas would be mowed enough to allow unbroken vistas to remain. However, the mowing schedules would be geared toward assuring a greater diversity of plant species. One small zone (Zone 3 on the attached map) would protect a significant stand of milkweed plants. The largest area on the site (Zone 4 on the attached map) would have fewer mowings to encourage plants that would not be present in the areas with more frequent mowings.
The plan expands on the earlier recommendation that some areas be allowed to return to forest. The original plan recommended that the eastern perimeter be allowed to reforest. The plan now includes a recommendation to allow the southern boundary to reforest as a riparian buffer for Morgan Creek.
Protection of Native Species
The revised plan deals specifically with the issue of invasive (non-native) species on the property. The Committee recommends that the Town selectively clear portions of the pasture north and east of the pond that have been overrun with dense growths of invasive species such as honeysuckle and multiflora rose. As staffing permits, we would undertake this initial clearing with the use of machines. We anticipate that to keep these areas clear we would have to use machines every few years to clear the sites.
The Committee also recommends that the Town allow volunteer groups to actively engage in removal of non-native species of plants throughout the entire property.
Passive Recreation Enhancement
If implemented, the Committee’s recommendations would allow users to have reasonable access to about 10 acres of the site for most of the year. Another 10-15 acres would be accessible for a portion of the year, but would then become too overgrown to allow comfortable walking until the next mowing cycle.
The Committee also recommends that the existing perimeter trail be mowed as frequently as needed and be increased in width from its current 2-3 feet to 8-10 feet.
If the Council adopts the attached resolution we would initiate the zone based mowing plan now being proposed. Implementation of this plan can be accommodated within existing resources. The most likely mowing and clearing schedule would be as follows:
Clearing of Fordham Boulevard Area (Zone 1) As needed (estimate every 10 years)
Mowing of Western Interior (Zone 2) Spring and autumn
Mowing of Milkweed Area (Zone 3) Spring
Mowing of Central and Eastern Interior (Zone 4) Varies to promote diversity
Removal of Invasive Species (Zone 5) As needed (estimate every 3-5 years)
Mowing of Perimeter Trail (Zone 7) As needed (estimate 5 times per year)
Merritt Pasture Access Committee: On January 24, 2002, the Committee voted unanimously to support adoption of a revised vegetation and maintenance plan that includes a number of specific recommendations. Please see the attached recommendations. The recommendations of the Committee are consistent with the attached revised Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan.
Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached resolution, which would authorize the Manager to implement the revised Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan.
1. Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan (Revised) (p. 5).
2. Recommendations of the Merritt Pasture Access Committee (p. 9).
WHEREAS, the Council has adopted the Merritt Pasture Access Committee’s Report of the Merritt Pasture Access Committee to the Town Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council authorized the Manager to develop a Vegetation Management Plan for Council review; and
WHEREAS, on November 12, 2001, the Merritt Pasture Access Committee made recommendations related to a proposed Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Council asked the Merritt Pasture Access Committee to reconsider certain elements of the plan; and
WHEREAS, the Merritt Pasture Access Committee has revised its recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the recommendations are consistent with the Manager’s revised Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council adopts the Merritt Pasture Vegetation and Maintenance Management Plan dated June 24, 2002.
This the 24th day of June, 2002.