TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Library Service and Technology Act Grant
DATE: June 24, 2002
The attached resolution would accept a Library Service and Technology Act grant for an amount not to exceed $20,000 and would authorize the Manager to hire a consultant to develop a long term technology plan for the Library.
On June 18, 2002 the Library received notification of a Library Service and Technology Act grant to develop a long term technology plan. Grant award may not exceed $20,000 to hire a consultant. There is no local match requirement to accept the grant.
Long term Plan Development: Grant award is based on a proposal submitted by the Library in March of 2002 to the State Library to hire a consultant to develop a long term plan that would identify:
· A centralized Internet station management system that would allow for differing levels of Internet access, print sharing, time management and authentication to remote databases.
· The best methods to host an increasing number of electronic databases and make them available to authenticated users in the Library and over the Internet.
· Steps required to fully integrate the Library’s automation system with the Library’s local area network.
· Requirements for planning and deploying network security (firewalls) to effectively protect the network from unwanted intrusions while allowing access to a number of designated database sites.
Expected Outcomes: The long term plan should include ways to:
· Reduce staff time devoted to managing the queues for Internet access by as much as 50%
· Increase patron satisfaction with a service that will allow them to reserve their own Internet sessions on-line and in advance.
· Identify capital and operational issues associated with the various methods of hosting electronic databases to enable the library to more effectively plan for the community’s needs.
· Identify proper security methods to prevent the loss of service, protect patron privacy and help prevent the possible future expense to repair a hacker’s damage to the Library’s automation system.
Current Needs: The Library currently has 13 public terminals for patron use. However, the recently adopted Five Year Plan identified the need for a significant increase in Library Internet stations to meet public demand. This is borne out by recent use patterns.
In addition to helping us choose the most efficient and cost effective systems for an expanded number of public access computers, we believe a consultant would also be able to identify opportunities for coordination with other computerized library resources. These resources would include the library’s automation system, telephone notification system, computerized collection services, the on-line catalog and uses of the Internet.
An increasing trend is for vendors of reference materials to convert from print to on-line or cd-rom format only. The consultant would develop projections for hardware and software required to access this growing format for the library’s collection. The consultant would also develop a network security plan incorporating managed firewalls and best practices for maintaining a secure network.
The consultant and the library staff will develop the technology plan in coordination with the Information and Technology Department to ensure a seamless integration of the Library’s local network with the Town’s wide area network.
Cost: There is no local match requirement for this grant. We estimate that approximately 40 hours of staff time will be devoted to working with the consultant in the development of the planning document.
Library Board’s Recommendation: That the Town Council accept the Library Service and Technology Act grant.
Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following resolution accepting the grant.
1. Library Board Recommendation (p. 4).
WHEREAS, the State Library has approved the Town’s application for a Library Services and Technology Act grant not to exceed $20,000 to hire a consultant to develop a long term technology plan; and
WHEREAS, no local match is required to accept this grant; and
WHEREAS, the Library’s recently adopted Five Year Plan of Service recommends increased technology measure to provide futures services; and
WHEREAS, planning for the Library’s future technology needs is highly technical and requires expert advise; and
WHEREAS, the Library Board recommends that the Council accept this grant award;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Town accepts the Library Service and Technology Act grant and authorizes the Manager to hire a consultant to assist the Library is developing a long term technology plan.
This the 24th day of June, 2002.