TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            Joyce A. Smith, Town Clerk


SUBJECT:       Summary Minutes of Various Council Meetings


DATE:             August 26, 2002



Attached for your approval are summary minutes of the following Council meetings:


June 3, 2002                Public Hearing re Second Draft of the Development Ordinance

June 10, 2002              Work Session re Potential Request for Proposals to Develop Lots 2 and 5 (5:30 p.m.)

June 10, 2002              Regular Business Meeting

June 12, 2002              Budget Work Session (4:00 p.m.)

June 17, 2002              Public Hearing

June 24, 2002              Regular Business Meeting

July 26, 2002               Special Meeting to Consider Budget, CIP, and Discussion of Toxic Waste Disposal on the Horace Williams Property