TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Establishment of an Inter-jurisdictional Stormwater Work Group


DATE:             August 26, 2002



The attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to invite participation in a standing work group representing local agencies including Carrboro, Orange County, OWASA, and the University to periodically meet and discuss regional stormwater management issues and cooperative mitigation measures.




On November 26, 2001, the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee presented its final report to the Town Council including the following recommendations relating to the establishment of an inter-jurisdictional stormwater management workgroup:


1.)        Initiate formal discussions with neighboring jurisdictions and OWASA with the goal of implementing the following five areas of cooperation:


a.)        Water Chemistry and Biological Monitoring

b.)        Illegal Discharge Identification and Elimination

c.)        Public Education

d.)        Digital Flood Mapping and other National Flood Insurance Program activities

e.)        Sedimentation and Erosion Control activities


2.)        Discuss the establishment of an inter-jurisdictional Stormwater Management Workgroup with neighboring jurisdictions and OWASA to determine the feasibility and details of implementing the five areas of cooperation and other related issues.   


The Council received the Committee report and recommendations and directed the Town Manager to report back with information on establishing an inter-jurisdictional work group as recommended by the Committee.


Subsequently, Carrboro Mayor Nelson of Carrboro wrote the attached letter to Chapel Hill Mayor Foy expressing Carrboro’s agreement with the Committee’s comments that there are areas where cooperation between Chapel Hill and Carrboro in stormwater and floodplain management could be feasible, practical, and desirable.  We have discussed the concept of inter-jurisdictional cooperation with Orange County and University staff, and have been advised that each agency would be interested in being represented on an inter-jurisdictional work group if it was established.  




An interjurisdictional stormwater work group could be established as an extension of existing formal and informal inter-jurisdictional programs and cooperative endeavors.  Expanded discussions of stormwater and floodplain management issues, such as the upcoming mandated public education program required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II (NPDES) permit, could prove to be mutually beneficial.  Other related topics could include flood mapping, water quality monitoring and sedimentation and erosion control issues.  Existing cooperative endeavors include:


1.         Stream water quality monitoring and reporting services are being provided by Chapel Hill for Carrboro on a contract basis.


2.         A Geographic Information System Workgroup, which includes representatives from Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Orange County, OWASA, and the University, cooperatively develops and shares GIS databases and arranges for equitable cost-sharing in aerial mapping and related technical services.


3.         The Federal Emergency Management Agency Cooperating Technical Community partnership between Chapel Hill and Carrboro provides for cooperative efforts regarding floodplain mapping, map management and related issues.


4.         Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Orange County, and the University are working cooperatively with the US Army Corps of Engineers under a Section 22 Flood Study Agreement to perform detailed flood studies of stream sections in Carrboro and Chapel Hill.


5.         As a result of the recent state budget crisis, a countywide flood study planned for our area has been postponed.  The fiscal crisis reinforces the notion that local cooperation in this area is important for reasons of economy of scale and for a consistency of advanced map-making methods and final products.  The Section 22 scope of services with the Army Corps of Engineers is under review and discussion.


6.         Chapel Hill and the University continue to cooperatively work under a defined set of Stormwater Management Performance Standards and a Development Review/Permit process for the OI-4 Development Plan.


7.         Chapel Hill and Orange County have continuing sedimentation and erosion control discussions and routinely cooperate on inspection and enforcement issues.


8.         OWASA/Chapel Hill staff meet semi-annually to discuss capital projects and other issues requiring cooperation and information-sharing.


With these existing informal areas of on-going inter-jurisdictional cooperation already in place, we think that the establishment of a standing inter-jurisdictional stormwater workgroup would not be burdensome and could be of additional benefit to all parties.  We suggest that this workgroup meet on a quarterly basis to start.




That the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Manager to invite participation in an Interjurisdictional Stormwater Management Work Group to discuss relevant stormwater and floodplain management issues and potential cooperative endeavors.  These endeavors could include but would not be limited to:  interjurisdictional monitoring, enforcement and elimination of illegal discharges; public education; digital flood mapping and database management; sedimentation and erosion control and other related topics.




1.         Letter from Carrboro Mayor Mike Nelson dated March 27, 2002 (p. 5).

2.         Excerpt from February 11, 2002 Minutes, Item 10 (p. 6).



Whereas, the Chapel Hill Town Council desires to continue and to improve inter-jurisdictional cooperation on stormwater and floodplain management issues; and


WHEREAS, the Council is aware of increasing stormwater management related mandates and obligations for which the Town and other local units of government will be responsible; and


WHEREAS, the Council has considered the recommendation of the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee to establish inter-jurisdictional cooperation in stormwater and floodplain management issues; and


WHEREAS, the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee recommendations include inter-jurisdictional discussions on topics such as inter-jurisdictional monitoring, enforcement and elimination of illegal discharges; public education; digital flood mapping and database management; sedimentation and erosion control and other related topics.


Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Manager to invite participation in an inter-jurisdictional stormwater management work group to include representatives from Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Orange County, OWASA and the University.


This the 26th day of August, 2002.