TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Public Forum on Three-Lane Concept Plan for Weaver Dairy Road


DATE:             September 9, 2002


This Public Forum provides an opportunity for citizen comment and Council discussion of the three-lane concept plan developed by the Mayor’s Committee on Weaver Dairy Road Improvements.  The Committee’s three-lane design is being proposed as an alternative to the design currently preferred by the State that involves a four-lane median divided improvement project.  Attachment #1 consists of concept drawings of the Committee’s proposal.




Following review of information about the history and status of the Weaver Dairy Road Improvement Project, and after receiving public comment, the Council adopted a resolution on April 22, 2002, requesting that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) consider three-lane improvements rather than four-lane median divided improvements on Weaver Dairy Road between NC 86 and Erwin Road.  Attachment #2 is a copy of the resolution for reference.


On May 8, 2002, State Transportation Secretary Lyndo Tippett responded to the Council’s resolution reiterating the State’s preference for the four-lane median divided cross section for Weaver Dairy Road.  Attachment #3 is copy of Secretary Tippett’s letter.


Subsequently, a Mayor’s Committee was established to further consider improvement alternatives for Weaver Dairy Road, with the objective of identifying a plan that might be acceptable to both the Town and the State.  The Committee met during the summer and concluded that a highly efficient three lane cross-section (i.e. one that optimizes both the capacity and safety of the single travel lane in each direction) could meet the objectives of the Town and the State.  Please refer to the attached concept drawings.


On August 19 the Mayor met with State Transportation Board Member Douglas Galyon to discuss the Committee’s proposed plan.  Mr. Galyon suggested that the Council determine whether the Committee’s proposed three-lane concept plan is acceptable and he agreed to forward the plan to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for preliminary review.  He also suggested that the Council go on record at the upcoming NCDOT Public Hearing on Weaver Dairy Road Improvements with a position statement regarding the Committee’s proposed plan.  That Public Hearing is tentatively scheduled by the State for October 2002.

At its August 26, 2002 regular meeting, the Council adopted a resolution calling tonight’s Public Forum to discuss and to receive citizens’ comments on the Committee’s three-lane concept plan.




We believe that the key elements of the Committee’s proposed three-lane concept plan are:


1.                  Maximize efficiency and capacity of proposed single travel lane in each direction.  This would be achieved by providing a continuous center turn lane for left turning movements; and right turn lanes/bus pull-offs wherever necessary to maintain travel lane efficiency.


2.                  Retract Council’s previous request that the State narrow the existing five-lane Sage Road between Erwin Road and Fordham Boulevard (US 15-501).  Sage Road is outside the current Weaver Dairy Road Improvement Project limits and no funding is currently assigned for changes to Sage Road.


3.                  Narrow existing five-lane segments of Weaver Dairy Road as necessary to create a uniform roadway cross-section through most of the project.


4.                  Reduce project costs and disruption of adjacent properties by eliminating the raised center median and extra pavement width that are included in the four-lane median divided project design.


5.                  Further reduce project costs and disruption of adjacent properties by designing a two-lane cross-section (one travel lane in each direction) for the new segment of Weaver Dairy Road that would connect to Erwin Road at the Sage Road intersection.  Left and right turn lanes would not be necessary on the new segment of Weaver Dairy Road except at its intersections with Perry Creek Drive and Erwin Road.


6.                  Implement Context Sensitive Design concepts by including a traffic signal with pedestrian facilities at Banks Drive (in addition to those signals already approved at other intersections), a signalized pedestrian crossing at San Sophia Drive (to accommodate student pedestrian traffic to and from the high school), and a roundabout at the intersection of the existing and the new segments of Weaver Dairy Road (to effectively and innovatively manage intersection traffic).


Consistent with previous Council discussions regarding the Weaver Dairy Road Improvement Project, the following two related issues also warrant the Council’s consideration:


It has been suggested by the State that, if it agrees to construct the more modest Weaver Dairy Road Improvement Project now under consideration by the Council, it would be unlikely that additional State funding would be available for additional improvements that the Town may desire in the future on Weaver Dairy Road.


The Council requested in its resolution adopted on April 22, 2002, that any surplus project funds accrued as a result of construction of the more modest improvement project on Weaver Dairy Road be reallocated by the State to the Town’s Traffic Signal System Upgrade Project that is presently unfunded in the State Transportation Improvement Program.


We have included references to these two issues in the following preliminary resolution.    




Our preliminary conclusion is that the Committee’s proposed three-lane concept plan is a feasible alternative to the State’s preferred four-lane median divided design.




That the Council receive and refer information from tonight’s Public Forum to the Manager for review and recommendations.


The following resolution would endorse the Committee’s proposed three-lane concept plan.  If the Council so desires, we would include this resolution for consideration as part of our follow-up report on tonight’s Public Forum.  If adopted then, this resolution could be submitted for the record at the upcoming State Public Hearing on the Weaver Dairy Road Improvement Project, as suggested by State Transportation Board Member Doug Galyon.




1.      Three-lane Concept Drawings for Weaver Dairy Road (p. 6).

2.      Resolution R-1 dated 04-22-2002 (p. 9).

3.      Lyndo Tippett letter dated May 8, 2002 (p. 11).







WHEREAS, it is the Council’s desire to improve Weaver Dairy Road to the extent that it can safely and effectively accommodate existing and future pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic; and


WHEREAS, it is important to the Council that such improvements be designed and constructed so as to minimize disturbance of adjacent properties; and


WHEREAS, the Council believes that the principles of Context Sensitive Design should be included in the development of this project; and


WHEREAS,  the improvement project preferred by the State includes construction of a four-lane median divided cross-section consisting of two travel lanes in each direction, a raised center median, curb-and-gutter, sidewalks, bus pull-offs, and associated improvements; and


WHEREAS, the Council believes that a more modest improvement project could meet the objectives of the Town and the State with regard to Weaver Dairy Road, at a lower cost than the State’s preferred option, and with less disturbance of adjacent properties;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council endorses the concept plan proposed by the Mayor’s Committee on Weaver Dairy Road Improvements, to include the following design elements:


Two continuous travel lanes (one in each direction) between NC 86 and Erwin Road with left and right turn lanes and bus pull-offs as necessary, lane widening to accommodate bicycles, and curb and gutter and sidewalk along both sides of the roadway.


Traffic signals and pedestrian facilities at the intersection of Weaver Dairy Road and Banks Drive, in addition to those traffic signal and pedestrian amenities already planned by the State for Weaver Dairy Road at its intersections with Silo Drive/Carol Woods Drive, Sunrise Road, and Erwin Road.


A signalized pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Weaver Dairy Road and San Sophia Drive.


A roundabout at the intersection of the old and new segments of Weaver Dairy Road.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council that it understands that, if the State agrees to construct the more modest Weaver Dairy Road Improvement Project as outlined above, it would be unlikely that additional State funding would be available for additional improvements that the Town might desire in the future on Weaver Dairy Road.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council requests that the State reallocate any surplus project funds that may accrue as a result of constructing the more modest improvements, to the Town’s Traffic Signal Upgrade Project that is presently unfunded in the State Transportation Improvement Program.


This is the _____ day of ___________, 2002.  

Map of Proposal for Weaver Dairy Road                                                          ATTACHMENT 1

2md Map of Proposal for Weaver Dairy Road, (attachment 1)

3rd map of Proposal for Weaver Dairy Road (attachment 1)






WHEREAS, it is the Town’s desire to improve Weaver Dairy Road to the extent that it can safely and effectively accommodate existing and future pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic; and


WHEREAS, it is important to the Town that such improvements be designed and constructed so as to minimize disturbance of adjacent properties; and


WHEREAS, project improvements currently proposed for Weaver Dairy Road include construction of a four-lane median divided cross-section consisting of two travel lanes in each direction, a raised center median with exclusive turn lanes and refuge for pedestrians, curb-and-gutter and sidewalks along both sides of the road, and bus pull-offs as necessary; and


WHEREAS, the Town Council believes that a more modest improvement project would meet the objectives of the Town and the State for Weaver Dairy Road at a lower cost than the currently approved project and with less disturbance to adjacent properties;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council proposes the following project design for Weaver Dairy Road:


For those segments of Weaver Dairy Road within the project corridor that are existing two- or three-lane cross sections, the Town would prefer that they be improved to no more than a three-lane configuration.


For those segments of Weaver Dairy Road within the project corridor that are existing five-lane cross sections, the Town would prefer that they be retrofitted to a three-lane configuration.


For the existing five-lane segment of Sage Road between Erwin Road and US 15-501, the Town prefers that it be retrofitted to a three-lane configuration.


For the new alignment segment connecting Weaver Dairy Road to Sage Road, the Town prefers construction of a three-lane configuration. 


For the entire project, regardless of cross section, the Town requests that the project include wide outer lanes to accommodate bicycles, curb and gutter and sidewalk along both sides of the roadway, and bus pull-offs and turn lanes as may be necessary.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council understands that the State will acquire right-of-way on the basis of a four-lane median divided cross section regardless of whether a narrower cross section is constructed with the project at this time.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council requests that the State consider installing traffic and pedestrian signals at locations identified by the Town’s Weaver Dairy Road Safety Committee.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council requests that the State reallocate any surplus project funds which may accrue as a result of this proposed compromise design to the Town’s Traffic Signal System Upgrade Project which is presently unfunded in the State Transportation Improvement Program.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council expresses to NCDOT that the Council does not wish to consider no-build as an option at this time.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council desires to apply the NC54/Hamilton Road template at and in the vicinity of all existing and future signalized intersections on Weaver Dairy Road project corridor from NC86 to US15-501, to include:


·        Textured crosswalks on all legs

·        Countdown signal heads

·        Overhead flashing school zone lights

·        No turn on reds

·        Rumble strips on Weaver Dairy Road approaches

·        Explanatory signs for pedestrians


This the 22nd day of April, 2002.