TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            Joyce A. Smith, Town Clerk


SUBJECT:       Summary Minutes of Various Council Meetings


DATE:             September 23, 2002



Attached for your approval are summary minutes of the following Council meetings:


            June 10, 2002                          Regular Business Meeting (Amended)

August 26, 2002                       Regular Business Meeting


On August 26, 2002, the Council approved the minutes of the June 10, 2002 regular business meeting.  Resolution R-10, A Resolution Giving Guidance to Consultant and Staff Regarding Revisions to Make in Preparing a Third Draft of a Proposed New Development Ordinance, inserted in the minutes does not correspond to the action taken by the Council on June 10, and that resolution has been amended to reflect the Council’s action.  (Please see pages 17-19 of the June 10 minutes for the amended resolution.)  Therefore, the June 10, 2002 minutes, as amended, are included tonight for your approval.