Recognition of Retirees

October 21

Town Council Meeting


Several times a year, we pause to recognize the employees who have retired recently. The 14 employees we are honoring tonight represent over 260 years of service to the Town of Chapel Hill.  We would like to thank each of these employees for their hard work and for the vital role they played in providing service to our citizens.


I will call each of the retirees to come forward to receive a plaque from the Town Council.


Lorin Mueller (6 years) worked for the Chapel Hill Police Department from October 1995 until November 2001.  During this time he worked as a traffic officer and a patrol officer.  Lorin was a weapons expert and could shoot the bull’s eye out of a target. 


Barry Coe (7 years) worked for the Chapel Hill Police Department from February 1995 until April 2002.  During this time he worked as a foot patrol officer and a bicycle officer in the Central Business District in downtown Chapel Hill


Carol Mitchell (7 years) worked for the Town from January 1995 until August 2002.  She began with Finance Department and was working for the Library when she retired.  Carol had a cooperative, friendly manner that enabled her to establish excellent working relationships.  She was the 2000 Employee of the Year for the Finance Department.


Tommy Teague (10 years) worked for the Chapel Hill Police Department from September 1992 until August 2002.  During this time he worked as a foot patrol officer and a bicycle officer in the Central Business District in downtown Chapel Hill.  Tommy was also a fire arms instructor. 


Ben Wiseman (13 years) began work as a Public Safety Officer in July 1988 and retired as a Fire Equipment Operator in December of 2001.  He received many letters of appreciation and commendations from supervisors and citizens for team effort, professional competence, and calm demeanor as well as other achievements. 


Mary Dexter (15 years) worked for Chapel Hill Transit from January 1987 until June 2002.  She was an advocate and a mediator for her fellow employees.  Mary received many awards and commendations including a 6 year safe driving award, 6 Tar Heel Express Commendations, 16 special commendations and 14 inclement weather awards. 


Jane Brinkley (20 years) worked at the Chapel Hill Public Library from November 1981 until December 2001.  When she retired, she was an assistant in the reference division and handled interlibrary loans for the public services division.  Jane was courteous and helpful toward patrons and coworkers, and explored the full range of possibilities when providing library service.


Michael Neal (20 years) worked in the Engineering Department from June 1981 until April 2002.  He was involved with many projects and advancements including: widening of the 15-501 bypass, drafting the original Resource Conservation District Ordinance and implementing the Columbia Street Pittsboro Street one-way pairing.  Mike played a key role in the development review process, specializing in storm water management issues.


Laurie Hill (21 years) worked for the Personnel Department from July 1981 until July 2002.  She held benefits sign-up sessions for new employees and was the person employees contacted for help with insurance and other benefits.  Laurie was well known for her love of animals and is working part time now for a veterinarian.


Christine Carlson (27 years) began working for Chapel Hill Transit in July 1974 and was the most tenured Transit employee when she retired in June 2002. She won many awards and commendations including a 16-Year Safe Driving Award, 17 Public Sector Awards, 18 inclement weather awards and an Orange County Disability Awareness Council Award. 


Marvin Clark (27 years) worked for the Chapel Hill Police Department from April 1974 until May 2002.  He held several positions during this time including Director of the Police Department Firearms Training and Director of Chapel Hill’s Basic Law Enforcement Training Program.  Marvin was on the Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) for 18 years and was in investigations for 10 years.


David Lewis (28 years) worked for the Fire Department from December 1974 until October 2002.  He began as a firefighter and was a Battalion Chief when he retired.  He received several commendations including one for his professionalism, his courteous demeanor when dealing with the public and his outstanding efforts in the management of emergency situations.  Fire Chief Dan Jones states,  “David is one of the best fire ground officers in the history of the Chapel Hill Fire Department.”


Joe Jackson (28 years) worked for the Chapel Hill Police Department from May 1970 until September 2002.  During this time he held several positions including Master Officer, Juvenile Officer, Patrol Lieutenant and Training Lieutenant.  Joe served as an executive officer of the NC Training Officers Association and as Chapel Hill’s Basic Law Enforcement Training School Director.  He helped develop North Carolina’s Basic Law Enforcement Training 2000 curriculum.


Ken Davis (30 years) worked for the Inspections Department from January 1972 until April 2002.  He was certified as a Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector.  Ken served on the NC Department of Inspections Education Committee for several years.  He was the Employee of the Year for the Inspections Department in 1991 and 2001.