TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Joyce A. Smith, Town Clerk
SUBJECT: Appointments to the Horace Williams Citizens Committee
DATE: December 9, 2002
On October 7, 2002, the Council adopted a resolution (see attached) that established the Horace Williams Citizens Committee. Tonight, the Council may make up to 14 appointments: 8 to 9 citizens with special expertise, and 3 to 5 neighborhood representatives.
The Council at its November 25th meeting delayed action on this item to tonight. Since that time, one additional application was received.
Included with tonight’s materials is a resolution that would designate two members of the Council as representatives to this Committee (R-13).
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has selected Linda Convissor as its representative.
There are two representatives that have not yet been selected:
· Orange County Commissioners (1) (scheduled for consideration at its December 10 meeting)
· Carrboro Board of Aldermen (1) (scheduled for consideration within 2 weeks)
We will notify the Council when these representatives have been selected.
Copies of the applications and ballots are attached.
WHEREAS, the Council at its October 7, 2002 meeting established the Horace Williams Citizens Committee; and
WHEREAS, the membership of the Horace Williams Citizens Committee is to include two members of the Council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council appoints ______________________ and ______________________ as the Council’s representatives to the Horace Williams Citizens Committee.
This the 9th day of December, 2002.
WHEREAS, the Town’s Comprehensive Plan has a goal to provide an environment where the Town of Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill can collaborate to maximize mutual benefits;
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan includes a strategy to continue the Town’s involvement in planning for the future development of the Horace Williams property; and
WHEREAS, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has stated its intent to prepare a land use plan to serve as a future guide for the development of the Horace Williams property (Carolina North);
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council establish a Horace Williams Citizens Committee to work with the University, its consultants, and its committees to review information about potential development of the property and identify key issues for Council consideration.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the charge and composition of the Citizens Committee be established as follows:
A. Charge of the Committee:
- Develop a set of Principles, including community interests and goals and objectives, to guide the Council’s deliberations with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill regarding the development of the Horace Williams property (Carolina North), including the following topic areas:
o Water/sewer
o Hazardous waste
o Stormwater
o Transportation modes, including transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and auto
o Housing
o Schools
o Natural area protection
o Fiscal equity
o Neighborhood interface
o Parks and Recreation space/facilities
- Provide advice to the Council concerning potential Town input to the University related to these Principles that should be considered, as the University’s plans are prepared.
- Keep the Council informed about work in progress on a regular basis, beginning with a preliminary report 90 days after the first Committee meeting.
- Propose a process for Council consideration identifying points in the process where Public Hearings and Forums would be appropriate, to be able to bring information to the attention of the community and provide opportunity for citizen comment.
- Prepare recommendations for the Council’s consideration regarding the University’s plan for the Horace Williams property once a proposal is developed.
- Provide advice to the Council about ways to incorporate these Principles into the Council’s ultimate zoning and ordinances for the Horace Williams property.
B. Composition of the Committee:
Not to exceed nineteen (19) members to be appointed by the Council, including:
- 2 members of the Chapel Hill Town Council;
- 8-9 citizens with special expertise in the first eight topic areas relating to the Horace Williams property, as identified in the charge; and
- 3-5 neighborhood representatives.
In addition, the Mayor shall request that the Chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Board of Orange County Commissioners, and the Carrboro Board of Aldermen appoint one member each to the Committee.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council expresses its intent to advertise and make appointments to the Horace Williams Citizens Committee by November 25, 2002.
This the 7th day of October, 2002.