2 - 5 YEARS
Mid-Term Actions (2-5 years)
1. Community Character |
1.4 Continue implementing the Downtown Small Area Plan (Strategy 3C-1, pp. 20-21) |
Actions to Date: See review under preceding Short-Term Actions (0-2 Years).
What’s Left to Do: See Attachment 4 assessing progress on implementation steps from the Downtown Small Area Plan |
1.5 Define residential area planning process and initiate one residential area plan (Strategy 3A-1 and 3A-2, pp. 13-15)
The strategy contemplated that design guidelines for neighborhoods, such as a neighborhood conservation district, could be prepared and adopted as part of a residential small area planning process. |
Actions to Date: · The Council has received expressions of interest from neighborhoods for the proposed Neighborhood Conservation District in the draft Land Use Management Ordinance. (Northside, Morgan Creek)
· Orange County, Carrboro and Chapel Hill have requested consideration of a Small Area Plan for the Purefoy Road area as part of Greene Tract deliberations.
What’s Left to Do: Decide on process, resources, and schedule. |
1.6 Develop plan to address UNC traffic and parking impacts on neighborhoods (Strategy 3A-3, pp. 15-16) |
Actions to Date: The University of North Carolina has submitted a Transportation Management Plan as part of its central campus Development Plan.
What’s Left to Do: The next update of the University’s Transportation Management Plan, scheduled for 2004. |
1.7 Revise the Master Plan for Town Entranceway Corridors
This plan was adopted by the Council in 1988 as a component of the Comprehensive Plan. |
Actions to Date: None
What’s Left to Do: Council authorization of plan revision and funding. |
2. University Relations |
2.2 Complete joint employee housing project with UNC |
Actions to Date: See narrative of Short-Term Actions (0-2 Years).
What’s Left to Do: See narrative of Short-Term Actions (0-2 Years). |
3. Regional Cooperation |
3.3 Evaluate options for a joint Urban Services Area/Rural Buffer strategy (Strategy 5B-1, p. 39)
The Comprehensive Pan envisioned joint efforts with Orange County and Carrboro to strengthen the Urban Services Area and Rural Buffer.
Actions to Date: None
What’s Left to Do: Action could be considered in conjunction with Orange County’s revision of its Comprehensive Plan, now underway. |
4. Economy and Employment |
4.2 Develop a non-residential development strategy (Strategy 6A-1, pp. 45-46)
This strategy calls for a multi-faceted approach to attract and retain desirable forms of non-residential development. |
Actions to Date: None
What’s Left to Do: Develop and implement a proactive strategy to encourage and retain non-residential development, including small businesses. |
5. Housing |
5.5 Fund affordable housing developments (Strategy 7A-1, pp. 51-52) |
Actions to Date: See narrative for Short-Term Actions (0-2 Years)
What’s Left to Do: Consider additional funding sources. |
6. Land Use and Development |
6.3 Develop a strategy to promote mixed-use development (Strategy 8A-2, pp. 66-68) |
Actions to Date: Council consideration of ordinance changes in new Land Use Management Ordinance.
What’s Left to Do: Encourage mixed-use development through incentives and public/private partnerships. |
6.4 Initiate at least one additional small area plan (Strategy 8C-1, pp. 72-73) |
Actions to Date: None
What’s Left to Do: Select first area plan per Short-Term Actions. |
7. Environment |
7.2 Implement priority greenway acquisition and development projects (Strategy 9B-1, pp. 81-82) |
Actions to Date: · Dry Creek Trail completed from San Juan Trail to Perry Creek Road · Lower Booker Creek Trail completed from Booker Creek Road to Franklin Street · Morgan Creek Trail conceptual plan process started in December 2001 · Land acquisition ongoing in Morgan Creek and Dry Creek corridors
What’s Left to Do: · Complete upper Dry Creek Trail · Begin Lower Dry Creek Trail segment including locating funding for bridge · Start concept plan for Upper Rail Trail · Complete Booker Creek Linear Park · Determine use of Orange County bond funds |
7.3 Evaluate low-impact development practices (Strategy 9F-1, pp.86-87)
The Comprehensive Plan defines “low-impact development” as “an approach to managing stormwater runoff that minimizes disturbance of natural areas, reduces the amount of impervious surfaces (buildings and pavement), and, to the extent possible, infiltrates stormwater on site.” |
Actions to Date: Major revisions to stormwater regulations being considered in new Land Use Management Ordinance.
What’s Left to Do: After implementation of new ordinance provisions, complete an evaluation no later than 12/31/04. |
7.4 Develop a local action plan to reduce greenhouse emissions (Strategy 9E-1, pp. 85-86) |
Actions to Date: Chapel Hill has joined the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. Pursuing funding for an emissions plan. If designated nonattainment area this year, Congestion Management funds may be available to fund this plan. Town has purchased alternative-fueled vehicles and plans to buy more. Town changing to bio-diesel fuel.
What’s Left to Do: Locate a funding source and develop the plan. |
7.5 Implement a dedicated funding source for stormwater management (Strategy 9F-1, pp. 86-87) |
Actions to Date: Council is considering establishing a stormwater management utility.
What’s Left to Do: Complete consultant work and consider establishing stormwater utility that would collect fees to offset the cost of building and maintaining infrastructure. |
8. Transportation |
8.9 Implement expanded park-and-ride system (Strategy 10C-3, pp. 103-104) |
Actions to Date: See Short-Term Actions (0-2 year) narrative.
What’s Left to Do: Complete Short-Range Transit Plan. Pursue funding sources for expanded park/ride system. |
8.10 Implement plan to improve local transit (Strategy 10C-1, pp. 101-103)
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Actions to Date: See Short-Term Actions
(0-2 year) narrative.
What’s Left to Do: Complete Short-Range Transit Plan. |
8.11 Implement priority sidewalk development projects (Strategy 10A-2, pp. 97-98) |
Actions to Date: Work on the annual sidewalk and bicycle plan proceeds annually with the involvement of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Advisory Board.
What’s Left to Do: Develop a Pedestrian Improvement Action Plan (see 0-2 Year actions). Pursue additional funding sources such as Regional Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation funds, bond funds. |
8.12 Implement priority bikeway development projects (Strategy 10A-2, pp. 97-98) |
Actions to Date: Bikeways that are part of greenways being done as part of Greenways Master Plan.
What’s Left to Do: Develop a Bicycle Improvement Action Plan (see 0-2 Year actions). Pursue additional funding sources such as Direct Allocation funds, bond funds. |
8.13 Develop a comprehensive signal-timing plan (Strategy 10B-2, p. 99) |
Actions to Date: Chapel Hill has requested State and federal funding to upgrade the signal system. Town has made some signal timing changes in the past year.
What’s Left to Do: Additional work ongoing. |
8.14 Conduct second community-wide mobility survey (Strategy 10F-1, p. 107) |
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Actions to Date: First Mobility Report
Card presented to Council on June 10, 2002.
What’s Left to Do: Conduct survey every three years. Complete by 12/31/04.
9. Community Facilities |
9.3 Implement Parks and Open Space Master Plan (Strategy 11A-7, pp. 118-119) |
Actions to Date: · The Council adopted the 2002 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. · Southern Community Park concept plan adopted. · Morgan Creek Trail Concept Plan started
What’s Left to Do: Work with Orange County to determine use of Orange County Parks bonds. In addition, continue to work with Town’s CIP program to address needs identified in the Report. |
9.4 Complete a Library Master Plan (Strategy 11A-6, pp. 117-118) |
Actions to Date: On February 11, 2002, the Council adopted measures to implement the Five Year Services Plan (2001-2006) and Long Term Facilities Needs Through 2020, including hiring a consultant to revise the 1991 building program.
What’s Left to Do: The consultant will present the building program to the Council later this year. |
9.5 Identify long-range solution for the Municipal Operations facility (Strategy 11A-9, pp. 119-120) |
Actions to Date: Land acquired. Site development programmed in Capital Improvements Program. Consultant is developing site plan, cost estimates.
What’s Left to Do: Complete site planning; obtain funding; obtain development approvals; construct new facility by 2006.
10. Fiscal Conditions |
10.2 Develop a model and procedures for analyzing the fiscal impacts of proposed rezonings (Strategy 12A-1, p. 124) |
Actions to Date: None
What’s Left to Do: Determine resources for undertaking this project. |