General Fund
Preliminary Revenue Estimates
Category 2002-03 Current
Budget As Amended
2003-04 Preliminary Estimates Increase (Decrease) Over 2002-03
Property Taxes* 20,707,000 21,098,000 21,340,000 242,000
Other Taxes & Licenses 1,053,000 1,053,000 1,053,000 0
Licenses/Permits/Fines/Forfeitures 1,629,000 1,569,000 1,569,000 0
State-Shared Revenues 9,189,000 10,000,000 12,158,000 2,158,000
Grants 531,260 452,000 452,000 0
Service Charges 1,271,200 1,271,200 1,271,000 (200)
Interest on Investments 252,500 150,000 200,000 50,000
Other Revenues 387,600 387,600 388,000 400
Interfund Transfers 1,506,187 1,506,187 1,076,000 (430,187)
Appropriated Fund Balance 1,716,561         896,000         800,000 (96,000)
   TOTAL 38,243,308 38,382,987 40,307,000 1,924,013
* Based on current tax rate of 51.0 cents for the General Fund and estimated growth in tax base of $80,000,000.