This section proposes a schedule for achieving the Town Council’s goals and priorities established at the Council’s January 17, 2003 Planning Session. All goals which received a vote are discussed below. Each goal is discussed in order of priority votes received. “Highest Priority” goals are those actions which received 5 or more votes; “Second Priority” goals received 3 or 4 votes; “Third Priority” goals are those which received 1 or 2 votes. Following these sections is a list of additional items raised by Council members on January 17.


The proposed implementation plan is for the calendar year 2003 and 2004.   For example, a target timetable date of “First Quarter, 2003” refers to the period January-March, 2003.


HIGHEST Priority


1.            Bicycle/Pedestrian Goals

Description: Two major short-term Comprehensive Plan actions are related to Bicycle and Pedestrian goals:


·        Adopt Pedestrian/Bicycle Operating Performance Measures. Procedures would be developed for evaluating the operating performance of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The new Mobility Report Card includes data that could be used to develop standards.


·        Preparation of Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvement Action Plan.   Currently, work on the annual sidewalk and bicycle plan proceeds with the involvement of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the Transportation Advisory Board. Preparation of a long-range Action Plan is a potential activity of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board. Plan implementation could be incorporated in Capital Improvements Program process.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council: Bicycle/Pedestrian Operating Performance Measures

o       Project Start: Third Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Third Quarter, 2004

·        Draft Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Action Plan for Council Consideration

o       Work to begin Third Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: First Quarter, 2004


2.            Discussions with Northside about Neighborhood Conservation District


Description: The new Land Use Management Ordinance includes provisions for creation of overlay zoning districts for older neighborhoods and several neighborhoods have expressed interest in pursuing such a designation. The action contemplated that a neighborhood conservation district could be prepared and adopted as part of a residential small area planning process.  The first such neighborhood to come forward requesting use of this new tool has been the Northside neighborhood. A resolution is attached that would initiate the process of developing a neighborhood conservation district for this neighborhood.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Overlay Zoning District to be included in Ordinance

o       Council Consider Resolution Initiating Study, 2/24/03

o       Project Start: First Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


3.            Greenways and Open Space: Acquisition and Development

Description: Develop additional funding sources to carry out the long-term master plans for greenways and open space. Annual update of Capital Improvements Program could be an opportunity for including additional funding.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council on Additional Funding Sources and Long-Term Schedule

o       Project Start: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


4.            Clean Water

Description: Three major short-term Comprehensive Plan actions are related to goals related to Clean Water:


·        Implement a dedicated funding source for stormwater management.  The Council has directed Town staff to work with a consultant and an ad hoc policy committee to develop a stormwater utility that would collect fees to offset the cost of building and maintaining stormwater management infrastructure and monitoring and improving water quality. The work that remains includes completing consultant work and considering establishing a stormwater utility, and is estimated to take eighteen to twenty-four months.


·        Adopt, implement improved erosion and sedimentation requirements.


·        Develop a water quality performance review process.  At the planning session, the Council also discussed possibilities for more aggressive Clean Water initiatives.  The new Land Use Management Ordinance provisions and the creation of a stormwater utility are expected to begin improving water quality in Chapel Hill.  The Comprehensive Plan envisioned establishing a comprehensive water quality performance review process that would set target goals, monitor water quality trends, screen potential problem areas, and evaluate the effectiveness of alternative best management practices for development.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Council adoption of stormwater utility

o       Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004

·        Council Report on Improved Erosion and Sedimentation Requirements

o       Address in Land Use Management Ordinance evaluation, Third Quarter, 2003

·        Council Report on a Water Quality/Clean Water Performance Review Process

o       Work to begin in 2004


5.            Affordable Housing Funding Source/Housing Incentives

·        Description: The Comprehensive Plan calls for developing additional affordable housing funding sources. A funding source currently available is the Revolving Acquisition Fund, adopted by Council in January 2002. In November 2001 a County bond for affordable housing was approved by voters.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council on Additional Affordable Housing Sources

o       Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003

·        Report to Council on Housing Incentives

o       Work to begin in 2004


6.            Parking Study


Description: The Council has asked the Manager to prepare a study of current parking practices and policies, and propose a set of new requirements during 2003.  The study will include local parking patterns, supply, and demand.  We will recommend a budget for such a study.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Study by Consultant, New Rules Proposed

o       Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Possible Hearing Date:  October, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


7.            Duplex Study

Description: On October 21, 2002, the Council took a temporary action to prohibit new duplexes in certain zones, with a sunset date for the prohibition of June 30, 2003, unless the Council took action to amend or extend the provisions. The Council asked the Manager to study the duplex issue further and propose changes prior to June 2003.



Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report with Options, Amend Ordinance

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Public Hearing Date:  May 19, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: By end of Second Quarter, 2003


8.            Monitor/Evaluate Land Use Management Ordinance

Description: The new Land Use Management Ordinance will be monitored and evaluated as it is applied over time.  The Council, citizens, and community groups have indicated an interested in setting up a system for monitoring how the new development regulations are working.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Report to Council:  Second Quarter of 2003 on comments

o       Report to Council:  Third Quarter of 2003 on proposed changes

o       Possible Public Hearing Date:  January, 2004

o       Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004


9.            Update Design Manual

Description: The revision of the Design Manual is the next step in implementing the new Land Use Management Ordinance.   


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Updated Design Manual

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


SECOND Priority


10.        Development of Parking Lots 2 and 5

Description: The Council has expressed intent to explore the development of Town-owned downtown surface parking lots.  A report to Council on process options is under consideration on tonight’s agenda.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        To be determined by the Council.

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Undetermined


11.        Joint Planning with Durham

Description: This new effort results from adoption by Durham and Chapel Hill of a new Joint Planning Agreement, calling for mutual courtesy review of projects.  The project would develop a process for implementing the new joint planning agreement.

Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Process for sharing information with Durham and Town Council

o       Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Third Quarter, 2003


12.        Downtown Small Area Plan Implementation

Description: Develop an implementation schedule and begin implementing the Downtown Small Area Plan. The Town has completed some of the initiatives in the Plan since its adoption in 2000, but in a piecemeal fashion. This project would spell out specific projects and a timetable for completing them.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council proposing projects and schedule

o       Work to begin in first quarter of 2004


13.         Use Patterns

Description: An initial draft of the new ordinance contained a series of Use Patterns: descriptions of particular types of development that would represent desirable forms of development.  The Council determined that a placeholder be left in the new ordinance and that work be taken up one-by-one by the Planning Board and Staff. 


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Amendments to Land Use Management Ordinance to include Use Patterns

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2004

o       Report to Planning Board and Council on Potential Process: Second Quarter, 2004


14.        Implement Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Description: A schedule for funding and implementing the 2002 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. (Note: Open Space and Greenways implementation is covered under goal number 3.)


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council proposing long-term funding schedule for implementing Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

o       Work to begin in 2004


15.        Develop process to address Neighborhood Traffic Impacts

Description: Consider neighborhood requests for traffic calming devices and other measures.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council, Third Quarter, 2003


16.        Entranceway Corridors

Description: Revision of Town’s 1988 Master Plan for Entranceway Corridors.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Revised Entranceway Corridors Master Plan.

o       Work to begin in 2004


17.        Additional Small Area Planning Process


Description:  The Council discussed conducting an additional small area plan, potentially the Purefoy Road area, per the recent Council action on the Greene Tract Work Group recommendations.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council on Potential Process

o       Work to begin in 2004



THIRD Priority


18.        Transportation Demand Management Plan

Description: Develop revised Transportation Demand Management Program. The Manager will prepare a report to the Council, to include: a survey of programs in other communities, an evaluation of the Town’s program, and proposals for revising the Transportation Demand Management Program by the third quarter, 2003. The Transportation Advisory Board and the Planning Board have petitioned the Council to evaluate and revise the Town’s Transportation Demand Management Program.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council evaluating system of requiring Transportation Management Plans

·        Transportation Management Program

o       Report to Council evaluating system, Third Quarter, 2003

o       Begin work on new Transportation Demand Management Program in 2005


19.        Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

Description: The Council deferred work on a general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance until completion of work on a Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. The Council adopted the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance on February 10, 2003. The ordinance will go into effect following adoption by Carrboro, Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Other jurisdictions to adopt Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

o       By Second Quarter of 2003

·        Begin implementation of Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

o       By Second Quarter of 2003

·        Report to Council on process for developing general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

o       Begin work in 2004


20.        Library Master Plan

Description:  The Library Master Plan is comprised of three parts.  On February 11, 2002, the Council adopted measures to implement the Five Year Services Plan (2001-2006) and Long Term Facilities Needs Through 2020.  On January 27, 2003 the Council received the Recommended Library Building Program, which revised the 1991 building program.  On January 27, 2003, the Council also received the Information Technology Plan.  Both documents have been referred to the Manager for a recommendation.   Capital Improvements Program and General Obligation Bonds could be used to implement the Plan.

Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Adopt the Library Master Plan

o       Second Quarter, 2003


21.        Revise non-residential development design standards

Description: This strategy calls for a multi-faceted approach to attract and retain desirable forms of non-residential development. The Town would develop and implement a proactive strategy to encourage and retain non-residential development, including small businesses.

Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council on potential strategies

o       Work to begin in 2005


22.        Evaluate the feasibility of a downtown transit transfer center

Description: An initiative in the Downtown Small Area Plan is the development of a downtown transit transfer center. The Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5 recommended studying the feasibility of a center on sites other than Parking Lot 5. The Council is discussing process options for soliciting development proposals for Lots 2 and 5.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Feasibility analysis of a downtown transit transfer center

o       Work to begin in 2004




23.        Procedure for Naming Opportunities.


Description:  The Council decided to consider a procedure for naming opportunities.


Follow-up Action:  The Friends of Parks and Recreation will make a proposal to the Council in the first quarter of 2003.


24.        Work Session to Discuss Affordable Housing


Description:  The Council decided to schedule a work session to discuss affordable housing, including use of HOME and Community Development funds, how to improve the capacity of nonprofit organizations, and how to build the most housing for the money available.


Follow-up Action:  Schedule a work session in the second quarter of 2003.


25.        Work Session with the Land Trust


Description:  The Council decided to invite the Orange Community Housing and Land Trust Board of Directors to a Council budget work session.


Follow-up Action:  Work session time scheduled for March 5, 2003 at 6:30 p.m.


26.        Follow-up Report on Minority Supervisors


Description:   The Council received information at the Planning Session on the extent of minority supervisors in the Town work force.


Follow-up Action:   The Manager will report annually on minority supervisors, including the proportion of minority supervisors.  The next report will be in January, 2004.


27.       Equal Employment Opportunity Officer


Description:  The Council discussed the idea of considering the creation of an equal employment opportunity officer to address issues of sexual harassment and asked for information on what an EEO Officer does and the costs involved.


Follow-up Action:  The Manager will provide the Council a report on this request as part of the Manager’s recommendation on the Town Budget in the spring of 2003.


28.        List of Priorities for $300,000 in Capital Improvements Program Funding


Description:  The Council reviewed a proposal to amend the 2002-2016 Capital Improvements Program to add $300,000 in renovation/improvements projects.


Follow-up Action:  The Council adopted an amendment to the 2002-2016 Capital Improvements Program to add $300,000 to the 2002-2003 fiscal year on January 27, 2003.


29.        Council Communications


Description:   The Council discussed ways to articulate the Council’s accomplishments.


Follow-up Action:  A Mayor’s Committee will be appointed, consisting of Mayor Foy and Council Members Edith Wiggins and Dorothy Verkerk to review ideas.



30.        Transportation Language Policy


Description:  The Mayor provided information on language other communities have adopted concerning transportation “improvements.”


Follow-up Action:  The Mayor agreed to circulate the report to the Council for consideration at a later date.


31.        Horace Williams Citizen’s Advisory Committee


Description:   The Council discussed completing appointees to the Horace Williams Citizen’s Advisory Committee.


Follow-up Action:  On January 27, 2003, the Council finished its appointments to the Committee.  Council Members Pat Evans, Mark Kleinschmidt, and Bill Strom will serve on this committee, along with citizen appointments, and representatives from the University, and other jurisdictions.   The Committee is expected to begin its work in March, 2003.


32.       National Issues


Description:  The Council discussed Council’s policy regarding National Issues. 


Follow-up Action:  On February 10, 2003, the Council adopted a resolution introduced by the Mayor concerning war with Iraq.


33.        Summary of Boards and Commissions


Description:   A Council Member asked for information on how many boards and commissions the Town has.


Follow-up Action:  Prepare information on how many committees the Town has, with their “sunset” dates.  The Manager submitted a report to the Council on February 24, 2003.


34.        Tree Planting


Description:  A Council Member noted that additional work could be done for tree plantings on entranceways and along streams for stream restoration.


Follow-up Action:  The Manager will provide a report to the Council on this request in the second quarter, 2003.


35.        Council Service


Description:  The Council discussed the idea of having ways to encourage citizens to run for office and explain public service.


Follow-up Action:  The Mayor’s Office will plan and sponsor such a session for citizens.