Electric Utility Power Line Infrastructure: Feasibility of Converting Existing Overhead Lines to Underground
A Report Prepared by the Public Staff
Assess the feasibility of undergrounding overhead electric distribution systems and provide a central source document for responding to continuing inquiries from the general public.
I. Introduction
A. Statement of Problem
B. Plain Language Definitions
II. Current Situation
A. Fact Sheet Detailing CP&L, Dominion NC Power and Duke
1. Service Area
2. Customers Served
3. Employees
4. Transmission
5. Distribution
B. Current Line Extension Regulations
1. Overhead Extensions
2. Underground Extensions
3. Areas Designated Underground
C. Distribution System
1. Overhead
a. Currently Installed
b. Percent Overhead Added Each Year
2. Underground
a. Currently Installed
b. Percent Underground Added Each Year
III. Comparison of Overhead to Underground
A. Benefits and Issues
B. Reliability (Impact to normal operation and major storms)
C. Capital Costs
1. Transmission
2. Distribution
D. Operating and Maintenance Costs
E. Costs to Customer and Municipalities (as applicable)
F. Environmental Impacts
G. Cost to Other Utilities (CATV, Phone, fiber)
H. Long-term Costs to Operate and Maintain
I. Other Considerations
IV. Requirements for Conversion from Overhead to Underground
B. Resources
V. Alternative Power Line Design Considerations
B. Alternative Line Design
VI. Tree Trimming
VII. Safety
VIII. Failure Analysis
IX. Research Sources