February 26, 2003

Information Technology Department

Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Town Council




I.          Mission Statement


            The primary mission of the Information Technology Department is to provide technology oversight and direction to help the Town make the best possible use of available technology.


II.         Brief Services Description


            The key services provided by the department are:


·        Provide the structure, equipment, software, and support for staff, citizens and other interested parties to use Town information efficiently within a secure environment.


·        Oversee procurement, operation and maintenance of computer systems, network services and related equipment.


·        Develop and maintain Internet related information services including the Town’s web sites.


·        Provide support for departmental data services.


III.       Departmental Revenue Estimates


            The Information Technology Department does not directly generate revenue.


IV.       Departmental Base Budget Cost Estimates


             Present departmental base budget cost estimates in summary tabular form, showing sub-totals for personnel costs, operations, capital, and total costs.


             Identify and comment on key cost issues in the base budget.



Budget Category


 Original Budget

Requested 2003-2004








   Capital Equipment







V.                  Key Programs or Services that are Going Well


·         Network Services provided by Time-Warner’s Road Runner Business Class Service continue to provide cost effective wide area networking services for all Town facilities and public access to information services hosted at Town Hall.


·        The computer replacement program for desktop computers and network servers provides support for critical systems in all of the General Fund supported departments. The purchasing model is being extended to the Transportation and Housing Departments.


·        Database services continue to be upgraded. Most departmental data bases have been upgraded to network enable programs. We have undertaken initial support for the rental licensing database and will implement a long term solution this spring.


·        Training and helpdesk support has provided much needed support for Town staff.



VI.       Key Programs or Services that Could be Improved


·        Licensing costs for network and desktop software used Town wide have increased due to a change in the vendor’s licensing plan.


·        Access to mapping information by all Town departments needs to be improved.


·        Electronic workflow and document management capabilities need improving.


·        Support for computer maintenance needs to be increased.



VII.      Proposed Additions or Reductions



·        To fully support departmental objectives, two additional full-time employees are needed.

o       One full-time employee is needed to support web publishing and development of web-based mapping applications. ($55,000)

o       One full-time employee is needed to provide installation and maintenance support for desktop computers. ($50,000)


VIII.         Recommendations to accommodate a 5% Budget Reduction.


·        Eliminate two of six planned server replacements

·        Defer upgrades of selected software

·        Delay implementation of online web access services