    Actual 2002-2003 Estimated Proposed Budget % Increase
    2001-2002 Budgeted 2002-2003 for 2003-2004 (Decrease) from
REVENUE SOURCE   Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Original Budget
Garbage Collection Revenue (1)  100,352 179,000 200,000 210,000 17.3%
Special Trash Collection   19,873 14,000 10,000 14,000 0.0%
Compactor Fees   36,693 24,000 25,000 24,000 0.0%
Street Cut Revenues (2)    70,940 30,000 60,000 40,000 33.3%
Right-of-way Mowing Revenues (3) 13,425 0 0 0 -100.0%
Traffic Signals   108,575 114,000 118,000 138,400 21.4%
Sales: Roll Carts   2,028 4,500 2,500 3,000 -33.3%
Motor Fuel Sales - Non-profit  5,003 4,600 6,700 8,500 84.8%
Pay Phone Commission Revenues 438 1,000 100 0 --  
Mosquito Abatement Grant 0 0 3,500 0 --  
Miscellaneous Revenues (4)  27,300 27,800 28,400 0 -100.0%  
   TOTAL   384,627 398,900 454,200 437,900 9.8%
(1) New commercial fee system established in November, 2001; modified in October, 2002
(2) Higher than usual estimate for 2002-03 relative to budget relates to unusually high number of street cuts by OWASA
(3) State-shared revenues; the 2001-02 actual represented payment for several prior years. No revenue assumed in  
current or next year due to state revenue crisis
(4) Account represents Town of Carrboro's payment of half of costs for Occupational Health & Safety Officer; in 2003-04, 
this position is proposed for full-, rather than half-time status