Attachment 2


Projects for Potential Sponsors


Splash pool on the outside deck                               Estimated Cost: $30,000

The current deck space at the Community Center is essentially a wasted area. We’ve long believed this area would be ideal for conversion to a water splash park.


Pottery Studio                                                            Estimated Cost: $240,000

We anticipate that the Town will lose its space in the Lincoln Center, which currently houses the pottery program. The current facility is approximately 2000 square feet. We believe this is the minimum space needed for this purpose. We used a figure of $120 per square foot to determine the approximate cost of the facility.


Hargraves Park Playground                         Estimated Cost:  Up to $50,000

Would include replacing sand with resilient fall surface. Replace some pieces with modern equipment that meets ADA and safety standards. Install rubberized fall surface to eliminate perpetual problems with fall surface due to uneven subsurface and drainage problems.


Specialized summer camp for youth with                  Estimated Cost: $60,000 for 8 week

special needs                                                              camp,   estimating 30 participants, with 1:1 camper/staff ratio


Portable Stage, Special Events                                 Estimated Cost: $40,000-$95,000

The best opportunity we’ve identified for potential sponsorship is a portable stage suitable for Town events including street fairs, 4th of July Celebration, summer music series, etc. We routinely rent stages at significant cost for these events. We believe it’d be the perfect win-win situation for a private sponsor. We believe we would be able to rent the stage to local groups for approximately $2,000 per day.


Cedar Falls Playground                                             Estimated Cost: $50,000

Demolish old wood equipment. Grade out site. Replace with modern equipment that meets ADA and safety standards.


North Forest Hills Park Playground             Estimated Cost:  $15,000

Replace sand with new resilient surface for playground. Same problem as Hargraves. Eliminate problems with sand fall surface.


Oakwood Park Playground                                        Estimated Cost:  $25,000

Replace sand with resilient surface for playground. Same problem as Hargraves. Eliminate problems with sand fall surface.


Community Center Park                                            Estimated Cost:  $75,000

Path renovation, new retaining wall next to play area, signs, extend resilient surface under more of play structure, fence along Plant Road, sidewalk along Plant Road. Paths are breaking up, people park and block Plant Road, park users walk on Plant Road which can be hazardous.


Community Center Park Volleyball Court   Estimated Cost: $8,000-10,000

We’ve received several citizen requests to upgrade the Community Center outdoor area to a true outdoor volleyball court with a bed of rocks several feet deep and actual sand at the surface.


Community Center Building                         Estimated Cost:  Unknown

The facility was constructed without air conditioning in the gymnasium. Patrons in summer camps, basketball leagues, climbing wall activities, drop-in users suffer mightily.


Community Center Pool                                           Estimated Cost: $3,000

Last spring we installed a privacy curtain on the Community Center pool deck area and purchased a changing table for individuals with disabilities who required more room to change than the locker rooms permitted. This was in response to a citizen request. It would be ideal to have a more permanent changing area for this need.


Community Center Building                         Estimated Cost: unknown

The biggest complaint we have from Community Center patrons is the limited access to the vending machines while meeting are on-going in the meeting room. The Center’s current foyer is too crowded already and cannot accommodate the machines.


Homestead Park                                                        Estimated Cost:  $30,000

Turf renovation and irrigation large areas that are without irrigation. This combined with poor soils has resulted in extensive bare areas throughout the park’s open space.


Cedar Falls Trail                                                        Estimated Cost:  $50,000

Current trail to the “Falls” is steep, loose and badly eroded. Will require stairs and bank stabilization.


Jones Park Trails                                                       Estimated Cost:  $15,000

Trails need relocating, bank stabilization.


Oakwood Park Picnic Shelter/Restroom                  Estimated Cost:  $50,000

Currently no picnic facility or restrooms.


Picnic Shelters                                                            Estimated Cost: $3,000-$75,000

Our greatest need in shelters is to replace existing ones, including installing winterized restrooms. This is the high end of the estimated cost. Simple stand alone shelters, which could be added at several parks, are the low end of the price range. In the middle, are large (suitable for 100 or more users) shelters—of which there are none in our parks.


Spring Break camp for youth with special                Estimated Cost: $7500 for 1 week

needs                                                                          camp,   estimating 30 participants, with 1:1 camper/staff ratio


Water basketball and water volleyball equipment Estimated Cost: $100 and up

for the swimming pool

Although the Community Center pool is designed as a lap swimming facility, we could greatly improve the leisure usage of the pool, especially for summer camp participants, with portable play features.


New uniforms for teams                                            Estimated Cost: $4,000

Special Olympics/Programs for Individuals with Disabilities

Because we place all athletes on teams in sports they’re interested in and we provide the same uniform regardless of ability level, we need uniforms for approximately 75 people in any given sport. As an example, we’ve been using the same uniforms for soccer for 10+ years. (Please note: The Orange County Special Olympics program is housed in the Chapel Hill P&R Dept.—other than staffing and extremely limited supply funding, all funding for the program comes from the state Special Olympics organization and/or local fund raising.)


Athletic and adaptive athletic equipment                 Estimated Cost: $25-$2,000

Special Olympics/Programs for Individuals with Disabilities

We are in constant need of new balls for various sports. With our expansion in inclusive and specialized programming for individuals with disabilities, we will need additional equipment.              


Playground/Play Features for Toddlers                    Estimated Cost: $500 - $50,000

Small play features can be continually added to existing parks as a new amenity. Based on the size playground we’ve historically built in our parks, $50,000 is an average cost. Approximately 1/5th of this figure is dedicated to a poured-in play surface (which we have at Homestead and the Community Center playgrounds) and is ideal for safety, maintenance, and fun. (Please note: the process we typically use for playgrounds is to send a request for proposal, noting the available funding, and have various companies develop a design. These designs are reviewed by a community group, with youth included.)


Playground/Play Features for School Age Youth     Estimated Cost: $2,000-$50,000

See above with the exception of small play features for this age group should be more sophisticated.


Water fountain at the playground area                     Estimated Cost: $2,000

We’ve received several citizen suggestions to install a water fountain near the Community Center playground but have no funding for the project—this is the type of project that would normally be funded through Small Park Improvements but we have many projects competing for very limited funds.


Audio-Visual Equipment for Youth Events   Estimated Cost $10,000

We hold a good many community parties at the Hargraves Center for events such as the Super Bowl, ACC and NCAA basketball tourneys—a big screen projector would be greatly appreciated for events such as this. We currently have a 36’ monitor. A portable Multimedia Projector and Laptop with DVD Player to accompany are included in the cost.


Pool Tables                                                                 Estimated Cost: $300

We really only have room for one pool table, which is in need of resurfacing—we plan on doing this following completion of the Hargraves Center extraordinary maintenance project. A new table would be roughly $600.


Indoor Scoreboards                                                   Estimated Cost: $2,400-$5,000

We have electronic athletic scoreboards at the Community Center, Northside Gym, and Lincoln Center Gym. We’ll need to purchase one for the community gym at the Rashkis Elementary School.


Outdoor Scoreboards                                     Estimated Cost: $2,500 -$5,000

We periodically replace/upgrade athletic scoreboards at ballfields at several sites including Hargraves, Homestead, Ephesus, and Cedar Falls Parks.


Benches                                                                      Estimated Cost: $300-$5,000

We can always add new benches along greenways/trails and in parks throughout Town.


Sign Project                                                                Estimated Cost: $25,000

replace department signs at all parks. Signs are old. Many different styles and types. Some signs are missing.


Restrooms at many parks                                         Estimated Cost: $50,000 each (varies by proximity to sewer)

Some restrooms need replacement, some should be winterized, and other parks have no restrooms at all. 


Naming Opportunities                                               Estimated Cost: not determined

Athletic Playing Fields

Aquatic Facility

Community Center


Special Events (street fairs, 4th of July, etc.)