The Capital Improvements Program includes projects for which funding is identified in a year sometime after the 2003-04 fiscal year based on Option C. Following are proposed as long-range projects to be considered for funding in the future:
· Building Condition Assessment Program. Project would update the Town’s Facility Condition Assessment, last done in 2000, every five years or so.
· Curb and Gutter Replacement/Improvements (Capital Improvements Fund). An annual amount of $50,000 would help Town continue curb and gutter repairs and replacements which have been funded with 1996 Streets and Sidewalk bonds.
· Traffic Calming Devices. An annual amount of $50,000 would be used to install traffic calming devices to reduce cut-through and speeding problems in residential areas.
· Homestead Road Widening – Bike-Pedestrian Improvements. In 2004-05, $61,000 would provide the Town match for bicycle and pedestrian facilities included in the Homestead Road widening project.
· Bolinwood Drive Bridge Replacement. The Program proposes using installment debt beginning in 2004-05 for the planned Bolinwood Bridge replacement project, estimated to cost $620,000.
Community Center
Capital Repairs. Installment debt would be used to pay for
approximately $950,000 of needed repairs identified as
needs in the 2000 Facility Condition Assessment.
· Reserve for Facility Maintenance. These lump sums would provide the Town funding to gradually complete the remaining facility repairs identified in the 2000 Facility Condition Assessment. These include deferred maintenance as well as predictable extraordinary maintenance projects such as painting, replacement of mechanical systems and roof repairs.