Parks and Recreation Facilities Bonds: $3,000,000
- Homestead Park was completed,
using $3,345,000 of bond funds.
- Hargraves Gymnasium was
completed, using $425,000 of bond funds.
- Aquatic Center has conceptual
plan approved by the Town Council, and the remaining $1,168,000 of bond
funds is allocated to this project.
Open Space Bonds: $3,000,000
- About 100 acres have been
acquired in 13 parcels using bond funds, including two parcels whose
acquisition has been approved by the Council but whose titles have not yet
been transferred.
- Considering costs for these two
parcels, an unallocated balance remains of about $1,218,700 for
acquisition of additional land.
Public Safety Bonds: $2,000,000
- $1,300,000 expended for
construction of Fire Station #5, located at the southeast corner of Bennett
Road and US 15-501, and purchase of a fire truck.
- $500,000 provided for
renovating the Police Department, including replacing the roof,
waterproofing the foundation/basement walls, overhauling the HVAC system,
installing a security system and replacing interior surfaces damaged by
previous leaking.
- $200,000 remaining has been
allocated for relocating the magistrate’s office, installing new locks and
security doors, renovating the public lobby area, reorganizing space in
the record area and replacing damaged floor and wall coverings.
Public Works Bonds: $500,000
- $253,000 was expended on
various improvements to the Public Works yard, including 3-sided pole
barns to shelter equipment
- $99,000 has been allocated for
a new vehicle washing facility and for equipment storage racks, both of
which are expected to be moved to the new facility.
- $147,723 has been encumbered
for the consultant study for the new Town Operations Center.
Streets Bonds: $3,000,000
- Bond funds were used to replace
the Brookview Drive and North Lakeshore Drive timber bridges with concrete
bridges, to make an emergency replacement of the culvert under Piney
Mountain Road., and to make other smaller drainage improvements.
- $67,600 has been allocated for
the Burning Tree Drive project, and
- $164,000 remains for curbs as
yet unallocated.
Streetscape: $1,000,000
- $818,000 has been spent,
encumbered or allocated for installation downtown of underground duct
banks, sidewalk replacement, landscaping, street furniture and
installation of ornamental street and pedestrian lighting, largely on
incremental projects completed during the summer.
- $172,000 remaining would likely
be spent on another project during the summer of 2004.
Sidewalks/Bicycle Lanes: $500,000
- $220,000 has been expended or
encumbered for specific sidewalk projects.
- $100,000 is allocated for the Fordham
Boulevard sidewalk which is expected to be contracted for this spring,
- $180,000 for Weaver Dairy Road
sidewalk, which is being reserved to accompany that DOT road project.