TO:                 W. Calvin Horton, Manager


FROM:            James Baker, Finance Director


SUBJECT:       Revenue Sources for Human Services


DATE:             April 2, 2003


This memo is in response to a Council member’s question about funding sources for human resources.




Almost any General Fund revenue can be allocated for human services.  Exceptions are as follows:


Visitors’ Bureau or other visitors’ services.


                                                                  maintenance and similar functions.


            and other Grants                                   Required to meet grantor specific requirements.


Other Town funds, besides the General Fund, have been established for specific purposes, but legally could be reallocated for human services contracts.  Example would include any accumulated funds in the parking enterprise funds, amounts allocated for capital improvements that were funded from the General Fund, or residual balances currently reserved for sewer improvements if reallocated by the Council.


Revenues accounted for in various annual and multi-year funds that are restricted to specific purposes and could not be used for human service contracts include the following: