FY 2003-2004 BUDGET REQUEST
Bio 1.3
    FY01/02 Actual FY02/03   Estimated FY02/03 Estimated FY03/04 Estimated FY03/04 Recommended FY03/04 Recommended FY03/04 Recommended       Comments
            Option # 1 Option # 2 Option # 3        
Dept. Code Department Gallons Gallons  Cost at $0.75 per gallon   Gallons   Estimated Cost at $1.05 per gallon (gas and diesel)   Estimated Cost at $1.05 per gasoline gallon and $1.30 per biodiesel gallon   Estimated Cost at $1.30 per gallon (gas and diesel)   Estimated Cost at $1.05 per gallon   Increase to cover biodiesel   Ratio of gas to diesel     Gal. Gas   Gal. Bio   Total Cost 
1 Police 65,500 65,900  $    49,425 67,000  $              70,400  $                  70,400  $                  87,100 ######  $        - ######   67,000 0 70,350
2 Planning 0    $               - 0  $                         -      $        -  $        -     0 0
3 Inspections 4,100 4,500  $      3,375 4,600  $                4,800  $                    4,800  $                    6,000  $4,830  $        -  $4,830   4,600 0 4,830
5 PW/Sanitation 40,400 39,100  $    29,325 41,000  $              43,000  $                  51,500  $                  53,300 ######  $8,500 ######   7,100 33,900 51,525
6 PW/Streets 18,300 20,200  $    15,150 20,200  $              21,200  $                  25,300  $                  26,300 ######  $4,100 ######   4,000 16,200 25,260
7 PW/Construction 5,900 6,900  $      5,175 7,000  $                7,400  $                    8,300  $                    9,100  $7,350  $   900  $8,330   3,100 3,900 8,325
8 PW/Drainage 8,500 9,500  $      7,125 9,500  $              10,000  $                  12,000  $                  12,400  $9,975  $2,000 ######   1,500 8,000 11,975
9 PW/Traffic 3,200 3,400  $      2,550 3,400  $                3,600  $                    3,800  $                    4,400  $3,570  $   200  $3,868   2,400 1,000 3,820
10 PW/Landscape 20,400 20,100  $    15,075 21,000  $              22,100  $                  22,800  $                  27,300 ######  $   700 ######   18,200 2,800 22,750
11 PW/Fleet 2,900 3,200  $      2,400 3,300  $                3,500  $                    3,600  $                    4,300  $3,465  $   100  $3,630   2,600 700 3,640
12 PW/Buildings 5,300 5,700  $      4,275 6,000  $                6,300  $                    6,300  $                    7,800  $6,300  $        -  $6,300   6,000 0 6,300
13 Engineering 1,800 2,000  $      1,500 2,100  $                2,200  $                    2,200  $                    2,700  $2,205  $        -  $2,205   2,100 0 2,205
14 Fire 22,200 21,600  $    16,200 22,000  $              23,100  $                  27,100  $                  28,600 ######  $4,000 ######   6,200 15,800 27,050
15 Parks & Recreation 900 1,200  $         900 1,200  $                1,300  $                    1,300  $                    1,600  $1,260  $        -  $1,260   1,200 0 1,260
18 Housing 4,800 4,700  $      3,525 4,800  $                5,000  $                    5,000  $                    6,200  $5,040  $        -  $5,040   4,800 0 5,040
21 Transportation 1,900 1,100  $         825 1,500  $                1,600  $                    2,000  $                    2,000  $1,575  $   400  $1,950   0 1,500 1,950
  TOTALS 206,100 209,100  $ 156,825 214,600  $           225,500  $               246,400  $               279,100 ###### ###### ######   130,800 83,800 246,280