TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Kathryn Spatz, Parks and Recreation Director
SUBJECT: Report on Therapeutic Recreation Services Currently Provided
DATE: April 2, 2003
This is in response to a Council member’s question concerning Therapeutic Recreation Services currently available to the individuals with disabilities.
The mission of the Parks and Recreation Department’s Therapeutic Recreation Program is to provide recreational programs and inclusion services for individuals with disabilities. These programs and services are designed to develop leisure skills and to facilitate participation in general recreation activities. There are five operating principles of the Therapeutic Recreation Program:
· Programs and activities will be based on participant’s expressed interests.
· Programs will provide opportunities for the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and attitudes relating to leisure involvement.
· The Therapeutic Recreation staff will emphasize personal choice, encourage independence, and inspire individual achievement through each activity.
· Whenever possible, programs will be conducted in an inclusive environment. Therapeutic recreation staff will promote opportunities for individuals with and without disabilities to participate together.
· The therapeutic recreation staff will advance the concept of inclusive recreation programming through avocation and alliance with the general recreation staff.
The Parks and Recreation Department provides support services to empower individuals with disabilities to develop active, healthy, and playful lifestyles. The Parks and Recreation Department offers community-based therapeutic recreation programs specifically designed for individuals with disabilities and/or special needs and inclusion services for general recreation programs.
Parks and Recreation Department staff strive to make recreational opportunities available to everyone. The Therapeutic Recreation staff is trained to assist individuals or groups through the use of reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are determined in response to the specific needs and abilities of the individual or groups requiring assistance. We are committed to supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following services are available with advanced notice:
· Large Print and Audio Tape can be provided with three working days advanced notice. Five or fewer large print copies can be provided upon request.
· Accessible transportation can be arranged by the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist through the Town’s transportation department for programs that occur within Town limits.
· Braille sections of large publications (such as the Parks and Recreation Brochure) can be made available within 10 working days advance notice.
· Readers are available by phone or in person. A staff person will read the requested sections of publications.
· Sign Language interpretation is available for classes or presentations with 10 working days advance notice.
· Inclusion Companions are available to accompany individuals participating in Parks and Recreation programs with 10 working days advance notice.
The Therapeutic Recreation (TR) staff is available to meet with patrons to discuss what recreation opportunities are available through the Parks and Recreation Department. In addition, the TR staff can administer a recreation skills assessment to help answer patron questions regarding the activities that are most appropriate for them and/or a family member. The TR staff also assists other members of the Parks and Recreation Department with disability related issues, including providing disability awareness training to contract staff and volunteers, consulting with facility supervisors about ways to increase the accessibility of their center, and educating staff and volunteers about specific disabilities or special needs individuals enrolled in their programs have.
The following is a list of our current Therapeutic Recreation programs and classes:
· Person’s with visual impairments leisure group – A monthly leisure and education group for persons with visual impairments.
· Creative Movement and Tumbling Class – A 10-week movement and tumbling class for youth 3-5 years, designed to develop gross motor skills and gain confidence in using their bodies.
· A Creative Expression Art Club – Two 6-week multi-media art classes for youth and adults exploring many different ways of expression through art; including painting, music, voice, words, and photography.
· Horticulture – An all-inclusive horticulture and gardening experience for youth 5-18 years.
· Pottery – A weekly class for youth 6-12 years designed to explore the basics of hand building, such as the pinch, coil, and slab to create useful and unique items for the home and yard.
· Friday Fun Nights – A bi-monthly program at the Estes Drive Community Center for youth 5-18 years, activities include board games, art/crafts, active games, swimming, and more.
· Adaptive Aquatics – A weekly program for individuals 5 years and older at the Estes Drive Community Center Pool designed to develop independence in and around the water, building endurance, and providing opportunities for socialization.
· Bowling for fun – A weekly bowling for fun program for individuals 5 years and older.
An important feature of our Therapeutic Recreation classes is that while they are designed specifically for individuals with special needs, they are open to all citizens. Non-disabled siblings and friends are encouraged to participate and are always welcome to enroll. We believe this inclusive approach is essential to the full integration of individuals with disabilities into the greater community.
In addition to our specific Therapeutic Recreation classes, we provide support services to those individuals participating in general recreation classes. The amount of support is based on an individual needs assessment and the participant’s strengths and abilities. Types of support include but are not limited to talking with the instructor or coach about the participant and his/her disability, providing adaptive equipment for an activity, advising instructors and coaches about ways to include everybody in the activity, and providing inclusion companions to participate in activities and programs with participants who have disabilities.