

WHEREAS, the public display of art can enrich the life of our community as a place where human expression through the arts is cherished and promoted; and


WHEREAS, Orange County, Chapel Hill and Carrboro have a well established community of artists working in media such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography and weaving; and


WHEREAS, it is appropriate to support the public display of arts with gifts and grants whenever possible rather than with Town property tax revenues and sales taxes;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council establishes a Chapel Hill Endowment for Public Art based on the following principles:


1.                  The Endowment shall be funded primarily from gifts and grants.


2.                  The interest earnings and a limited amount of the principal of the Endowment shall be used to enhance Town buildings, and areas such as public parks and plazas, through the display and occasional purchase of works of art by local artists.


3.                  The Council will appoint an advisory committee with up to seven individuals with special knowledge, interest or expertise in the arts.  The Committee shall be responsible for identifying works of art appropriate for public display, making recommendations to the Council on using Endowment funds for displays and occasional purchases, fund-raising and handling operational matters such as scheduling, publicity and other matters associated with the public display of works

of art.


This the 10th day of February, 1992