From: Judy Kincaid [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:34 AM
To: Dee Freeman
Cc: Angela Lewis
Subject: Regional landfill
Dear Dee:
The Triangle Region Solid Waste Planners Committee has discussed with Chatham
County and its consultant, HDR, the expansion of Chatham County's current
contract for integrated solid waste management planning by HDR to include an
exploration of a regional landfill. The proposed scope of work for
this exploration is attached, and the total cost is $18,000.
The following local governments, through relevant department heads, have made the following financial commitments to jointly fund this work:
Wake County: $4,667
Durham County: $1,166
Town of Cary: $1,000
City of Durham: $3,500 (although this is in process from department to Council for approval)
Orange County: $4,667 (although this is in process from department to BOCC for approval)
The total amount of commitments is $15,000, which is $3,000 short of the cost of the work. (Chatham County is not expected to contribute, as it is making a significant contribution by giving the rest of the group the benefit of piggy-backing on an existing Chatham County contract.)
Any assistance the mayor's group can lend to solving the problem of this shortfall would be most appreciated.
Thank you very much for your assistance, and please convey our thanks to Mayor Meeker for bringing this issue to the attention of the mayor's group.
Judy Kincaid
Solid Waste/Materials Resources Program Manager
Triangle J Council of Governments
PO Box 12276
Research Triangle Park NC 27709
Phone 919-558-9343; Fax 919-549-9390
Email [email protected]