Request for Proposals –

Consultant Services


Seeking Proposals for Economic Development Consultant Services

for Planning and Managing an RFP Process

to Develop Town-Owned Downtown Sites


June 30, 2003

(Deadline for Submitting Proposal: July 30, 2003)


I.        Introduction


After reviewing Statements of Qualifications, the Town of Chapel Hill requests final, detailed proposals from a select number of firms. Proposals need not be lengthy and will be considered supplemental to information previously submitted.



II.     Scope of Work


It is expected that the Consultant would take the lead role in achieving the products called for in this Request for Proposals with staff support as appropriate. The Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5 will serve as the main Town body working on the project. The Committee, which consists of six members of the Town Council, will meet to review progress and interim products. The Committee will forward recommendations as needed to the full Council for consideration.


The task would be to select a consultant who would provide the following services:

  1. Assist in determining the method of soliciting development proposals for Parking Lots 2 and 5, currently contemplated to be a Request for Qualifications followed by a Request for Proposals.
  2. Write a Request for Qualifications followed by a Request for Proposals for developing Parking Lots 2 and 5
  3. Prepare an evaluation method for reviewing responses.
  4. Evaluate and provide recommendations on statements of qualifications and development proposals submitted in response, including an assessment of responders’financial capacity and other qualifications, economic feasibility of proposals, the value of the offer in terms of lease and/or sales terms, the financial feasibility of the financial component of the project, the strength of proposals based on Council principles and priorities, and other factors.
  5. Provide advice on the terms of proposed development agreements.
  6. Assist in negotiating a development agreement.
  7. Assist in managing a development agreement.


It is expected that the Consultant will describe how each of the steps would be structured and approached, and describe the products to be delivered. It is expected that in this proposal the Consultant will offer ideas regarding how citizen input and participation can be effectively achieved, and that during the course of the project the Consultant will offer strategies regarding how the Town’s goals and objectives can be achieved.


The Consultant will provide assistance to the Town Council and staff as an independent agent of the Town, and would have no affiliation with any prospective bidder or developer of any project on either of these sites. This provision would be a stipulation of any agreement the Town enters into as part of this process.


The Town’s consultant selection policy and insurance provisions are attached (please see Attachments 1 and 2).


III.   Selection Process


The Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5 will review proposals that are submitted by the deadline, interview firms, and forward a recommendation to the Town Council for consideration.

Proposals will be rated on a number of factors such as cost, technical approach, relevant experience, qualifications of the project team, and logistical capabilities.



IV.  Budget


The consultant will prepare a budget to accompany the scope of work that will be proposed. The budget should be as specific as to key personnel who would be expected to work on this project, along with hourly billing rates charged for each position type.


V.     Submittal Requirements


The Consultant should provide the following information in the proposal:


1.      Description of proposed scope of work

2.      Names and resumes of individuals who would work on the project

3.      Date at which work could begin

4.      Estimated timeframe for completion of the products

5.      Estimated cost of services provided

6.      References for public-private economic development projects completed by the firm


The Consultant should submit 12 copies of the proposal by 4:00 pm July 30, 2003 to:


Roger S. Waldon, AICP

Planning Director

Town of Chapel Hill

306 N. Columbia Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27516


Questions regarding this Request for Qualifications should be directed to Ms. Chris Berndt, Chapel Hill Planning Department, (919) 968-2728.





  1. Consultant Selection Policy
  2. Required Insurance Provisions