TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Kathryn Spatz, Parks & Recreation Director
SUBJECT: Town Pottery Program Participation Demographics
DATE: April 30, 2003
This memorandum is in response to a Council member’s question concerning the demographics of participants in the Town’s pottery program and specifically about the racial makeup of the program. During the current fiscal year we anticipate that approximately 300 participants will be served by the Town’s pottery program.
The Parks and Recreation Department does not currently collect or maintain statistics for any program based on race. However, after speaking with our pottery instructors we believe that individuals from minorities comprise less than 5% of the program participants.
About 70% of the program’s participants are female.
Participation by age is as follows:
Under 11 43%
11-19 4.5%
20-30 4.5%
31-40 9%
41-50 23%
Over 50 16%
Participation by residency is as follows:
Town of Chapel Hill 64%
Town of Carrboro 20%
Remainder of Orange CO 12%
Durham County 2%
Chatham County 2%
Based on participation survey information the Parks and Recreation Department collected in 2002, more than 50% of the pottery program’s participants reside in households with a combined income of greater than $70,000. Because of this factor very few program participants request fee reduction services. The Town’s pottery program is currently self sustaining.