TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Options to Renovate or Remove the Cabin at Meadowmont Park
DATE: May 28, 2003
The purpose of this Memorandum is to present options to the Council concerning the future of the existing cabin at Meadowmont Park.
Resolution A would authorize the Manager to renovate the existing cabin. The Manager recommends adoption of Resolution A.
Resolution B would authorize the Manager to remove the existing cabin.
On July 3, 1997, the Council approved a Special Use Permit for Meadowmont Park that included an existing cabin adjacent to the pond. On November 26, 2001, the Council modified the Special Use Permit. The modification did not affect the status of the cabin.
We believe the Council should review the status of the cabin in its role as owner of the park. We have reviewed the issue in the Town’s role as regulator, and have determined that the following option to remove the cabin would be minor and could be allowed by an administrative modification of the Special Use Permit.
Current Condition of the Cabin: The cabin, which is about 12 ft. X 20 ft. in size, is in poor condition and cannot be used it its current state. Much of the wood is infested by termites, the slab is cracked, and many of the features, such as gutters and chimney, are badly damaged. We believe that it would take about $14,000 to renovate the cabin. Work that is required includes:
Possible Uses of the Cabin: Although the cabin is too small for group meetings and picnicking, it could be suited to some recreation and educational uses. The building has no sewer, water or electric service. Nevertheless, the Town could use it as a shelter for outdoor and nature programs, fishing derbies, and the like. A representative of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools has informed us that the staff of Rashkis Elementary School would be interested in using the cabin for nature and science classes and projects.
Budget: There are two options for dealing with the cabin that range in price from $5,000 to $14,000. Either option would require the use of funds from the Public Works Department’s normal operating budget for FY 2003-04 and/or from the Small Parks Improvements portion of the Capital Improvement Program. Using these sources of funds for this work would mean that some other project(s) would not be funded.
Option 1 - Renovate the Cabin: This option would result in renovation of the existing cabin at a cost of about $14,000.
Advantages to Renovating the Cabin:
Disadvantages to Renovating the Cabin:
Option 2 – Remove the Cabin: This option would result in the removal of the cabin. The slab could be used as a base for uncovered picnic tables. For approximately $5,000 we could leave the slab in place, demolish and dispose of the structure, purchase picnic tables and grills, and pave a handicap accessible path to the slab.
Advantages to Removal of the Cabin
Disadvantages to Removal of the Cabin:
Manager’s Recommendation: We recommend that the Council adopt Resolution A, which would authorize the Manager to renovate the existing cabin.
Resolution B would authorize the Manager to demolish the cabin, pave a handicap accessible path to the slab, and provide for picnic tables and a grill.
WHEREAS, the Special Use Permit for Meadowmont Park shows an existing cabin adjacent to the pond; and
WHEREAS, the cabin requires significant renovation; and
WHEREAS, the cabin cannot be made available for use to general public until such time as it is renovated; and
WHEREAS, the cabin is a visual amenity; and
WHEREAS, the cabin could be used by the Town Parks and Recreation Department, Rashkis Elementary School teachers and other agents as a shelter for small programs.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Manager to renovate the existing cabin in early FY 2003-04.
This the 28th day of May, 2003.
WHEREAS, the Special Use Permit for Meadowmont Park shows an existing cabin adjacent to the pond; and
WHEREAS, the cabin requires significant renovation; and
WHEREAS, the operation of the cabin would result in higher costs related to maintenance and security; and
WHEREAS, the Town can process an administrative modification of the park Special Use Permit to allow removal of the structure; and
WHEREAS, even when renovated, the cabin would have limited uses.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Manager to remove the existing cabin at Meadowmont Park.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL that the Manager is authorized make repairs to the existing slab, provide handicap access, and provide for uncovered picnic tables on the site.
This the 28th day of May, 2003.