in Recommended 2003-04 Budget

(Excerpt from Manager’s 2003-04 Budget, Pages 238-240)



Municipal Operations Facilities


·        Town Operations Center: Land Acquisition Installment Debt Payment, $126,000. The Town has purchased a site north of Eubanks Road to build a new Town Operations facility in anticipation of closing the current facility when the site lease with UNC terminates December 31, 2006. A site for the facility was purchased in 2001. The acquisition is financed for 10 years, beginning with the 2002-03 payment.


·        Extraordinary Maintenance, Emergency Repairs, $50,000. This item would provide funding enabling the Town to do a variety of relatively small unanticipated, emergency repairs to Town facilities such as fixing a failing roof and/or repairing storm damage.


·         Town Hall Generator Installment Debt Payment, $30,000. The Council included funding for the five-year installment in the 2002-2003 Budget. The Town is preparing specifications, but has not yet contracted to purchase the generator, estimated to cost $120,000.


·        Roof Repair - Town Hall, Fire Stations #2 and #3: Installment Debt Payment, $45,000. The 10-year installment debt project would enable the Town to undertake three major roof projects identified by Public Works. Roof maintenance helps to prevents water damage within the buildings.


·        Police Generator Installment Debt Payment, $23,000. The Council included funding for the five-year installment in the 2002-2003 Budget. The Town has not yet contracted to purchase the generator, estimated to cost $100,000. The intention is to finance this and the Town Hall generator in one contract.


Town Facilities Leased by Others


·        IFC Shelter Capital Repairs: Installment Debt Payment, $65,000. The $450,000 10-year installment debt project includes roof repairs and an overhaul of the HVAC system, needs identified in the 2000 Facility Condition Assessment. Initial engineering work is completed and final specifications are being written.


·        Museum Roof Capital Repairs: Installment Debt Payment, $9,000. The Town is using 10-year installment debt to fund roof repairs at the Chapel Hill Museum, 179 E. Franklin Street, completed in early 2003. Total costs are approximately $78,000 (principal: $60,000).


·        Old Post Office Capital Repairs: Installment Debt Payment, $225,000. This new $1.5 million 10-year installment debt project would be used for exterior repairs identified in the 2000 Facility Condition Assessment and further prioritized by a current engineering review.




·        Curb Repairs: ADA Compliance, $25,000. Funding would be used for infrastructure improvements enhancing access for citizens with disabilities. About 70 locations still need access ramps in order to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards.


·        Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities Improvements, $50,000. Sidewalk construction is based on a priority system established by the Town Council.


·        Small Park Improvements, $20,000. These projects would provide for improvements, repairs and replacement of equipment in Town parks. Examples of potential work in 2003-2004 include: renovations of log cabin at Meadowmont Park, replacement of fall surfaces at Hargraves and Oakwood play areas, erosion repairs at Cedar Falls and Hargraves, turf projects at Culbreth, new interior park signs, chain link fence installation at Homestead soccer fields, and initiation of playground replacement at Cedar Falls.


Communications and Technology


·        Traffic Signal System Upgrade Feasibility Study – Town Share, $20,000. The recommended funding for 2003-04 for this project represents the Town’s anticipated share of a feasibility study which would determine the cost and scope of the proposed traffic signal system upgrade project.


·        Infrared Rescue Cameras: Installment Debt Payment, $28,000. This is the final annual payment on the contract. A joint agreement with the University to purchase infrared rescue cameras has enabled the Town to upgrade fire protection capabilities and improve safety of firefighters.


Parks and Other Public Use Facilities


·        Greenways, $55,000. Major repairs are anticipated for various areas including Tanyard Branch, Bolin Creek, and Dry Creek Trails. This sum represents the revenue received from cell tower leases on Town land.`


·        Hargraves Center / A.D. Clark Capital Repairs: Installment Debt Payment, $175,000. Capital repairs at the Hargraves Center /A.D. Clark Pool were completed in the 2002-03 fiscal year. This is the second annual payment on 10-year installment debt.


·        Rashkis School Gym at Meadowmont Payment to Schools, $238,000. This is the second of three annual payments being made as part of an agreement with the school system giving the Town access to the gym at the Rashkis Elementary School at Meadowmont.


·         Tennis and Basketball Courts: Capital Repairs: Installment Debt Payment, $41,000. This new $300,000 10-year installment debt project would fund major repairs to tennis and basketball courts at Cedar Falls, Community Center, Hargraves, Umstead,  Homestead, and Oakwood Parks.