Attachment 1
SUBJECT: University request for Modification of Development Plan
DATE: June 16, 2003
This is an application for approval of a modification to the October 3, 2001 Development Plan for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The site is the main campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The property is located within the Office/Institutional-4 (OI-4) zoning district and is identified as Chapel Hill Township Tax Maps 71, 73, 74, 86, and 87.
2001 Development Plan: On July 5, 2001 the University submitted a Development Plan application for building improvements on the main campus. Improvements included new buildings, multi-level parking decks, renovations and additions to existing facilities and extensions to the campus pedestrian and open space network.
The Town Council held a Public Hearing on the Development Plan and on October 3, 2001 adopted a resolution approving the University Development Plan. A map of the approved 2001 Development Plan is included in the current application materials (see Addendum 2, Map 2 in the April 3, 2003 materials, part of Attachment 2).
2003 Development Plan Modification No. 1: On April 3, 2003 the University submitted an application for approval of a modification to the October 3, 2001 Development Plan. An Addendum was provided on May 23, 2003.
A Development Plan is to address the following:
a) Environment: Development should minimize impacts on natural site features, and be accompanied by measures to mitigate those impacts.
b) Transportation: Development should be accompanied by measures to mitigate transportation impacts that are caused by the development.
c) Stormwater Management: Development should be accompanied by measures to mitigate stormwater impacts (quantity and quality) that are caused by the development.
d) Public Utilities: There must be a general demonstration that water, sewer, and other needed utilities can be made available to accommodate development proposed in the Development Plan.
e) Historic Districts: Special provisions apply to any development proposed within one of Chapel Hill’s Historic Districts.
f) A Development Plan also must designate Perimeter Transition Areas establishing appropriate standards at borders of the Development Plan, necessary to minimize impacts of development proposed in the Development Plan on adjacent property, to be approved by the Town Council as part of the Development Plan.
On April 3, 2003 the University submitted an application for approval of a modification to the October 3, 2001 Development Plan. An Addendum was provided on May 23, 2003. The application proposes the following improvements and modifications:
· Manning Drive Parking Deck (P-7) – The University is proposing to delete the 1,500 space parking deck contained in the original Development Plan. This deck, proposed at the lower end of Manning Drive on top of an existing 568 commuter space surface parking lot, would have resulted in a net addition of 932 parking spaces.
In addition to using existing access from Skipper Bowles Drive, the approved deck included access from Mason Farm Road via a new road proposed around Baity Hill. This proposed access road, connecting to Mason Farm Road at approximately the location of the existing Baity Hill driveway, has been deleted from the Development Plan Modification No. 1 application.
· Mason Farm Road Student Family Housing - (H-10 thru H-21) The Development Plan approved in 2001 identified two perimeter transition areas to construct student family housing along Mason Farm Road: Student Family Housing East and West Perimeter Transition Areas. The current application is proposing to amend the original Development Plan by reducing the number of buildings (eliminate buildings H-10, H-11, H-12), increasing floor area and dwelling units, changing access and circulation, revising parking lot location and design, and increasing the width of the “housing corridor” area.
· Jackson Circle Parking Deck (P-10 Mod) – This 800 space deck proposed in the Jackson Circle area, between New East Drive and Odum Village, will replace two existing surface parking lots – a commuter lot with 94 spaces, and an Odum Village housing parking lot with 55 spaces. The new deck, which is planned to be allocated to commuters, will provide a net increase of approximately 651 spaces.
Current access to the existing lots is from an access point on New East Drive (opposite the entrance to the Dogwood visitor deck). This location will serve as an access point to the planned deck. The road behind the Dogwood deck will be extended to provide a second access point near the southeast corner of the Dogwood deck. No direct access will be provided from Manning Drive, Mason Farm Road or Hibbard Drive.
The elevation of the current parking lot is approximately 470 feet. At this time the deck is anticipated to be five levels, with one level below ground and the ground level (second level) located between 460 and 470 feet. The top level of this deck is not expected to be at an elevation above the adjacent parking deck. The proposed deck will be set back from Manning Drive to allow construction of a future building north of the deck. The University states that the proposed deck location will still allow for the future transit alignment as shown on the Campus Master Plan.
· Cobb Hall/Performing Arts Parking Deck (P-9 Mod)- The site of the proposed 600 space five level parking deck is in the area behind the Cobb/Joyner buildings. This project is adjacent to the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery. The site is currently a combination of a 371 space surface parking lot and tennis courts. The parking spaces are primarily for commuters. The net increase in parking with the new deck will be approximately 270 spaces as some small pockets of surface parking will be retained. It is anticipated that the primary users of the deck will be commuters during the day, with some use by Paul Green Theater and other event patrons at night and on weekends.
Current access to the area is from Country Club Road (between the Theater and cemetery), Raleigh Street and South Road (exit only). Access to the planned deck will be from the existing access point on Country Club Road. South Road access will remain restricted to exit only. The Raleigh Street access will be restricted to service and emergency vehicles only, as the area north of the deck is proposed to become more pedestrian focused.
· Cobb Hall/Performing Arts Chiller Plant (I-3 Mod)- A chiller plant is proposed to be integrated into the east end (the end nearest the Paul Green Theater) of the Cobb Hall-Performing Arts Parking Deck. The south edge of this project is adjacent to the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery.
· Information Technology Building (O-3 Mod)- The Information Technology Services (ITS) building is proposed to be located on the site of and replace the existing Bennett Building and a parking lot on the north side of Manning Drive. The parking lot currently has 40 spaces, primarily for commuters, and is accessed from Manning Drive. The Bennett Building, which is 23,744 square feet, will be demolished.
The new ITS building will be approximately 100,000 square feet. The redevelopment of this site will include 60 parking spaces, a net increase of 20 spaces, for use primarily by 50 ITS services vehicles with the remaining spaces for visitors. The site will continue to be accessed from Manning Drive.
· Utility Corridors- Several new utility corridors are designated in this proposed modification. Proposed improvements include expanding and upgrading existing utility infrastructure distribution systems for potable water, sewer, power transmission lines, and gas lines. These improvements include new utility corridors and upgrading existing utility corridors. Refer to Map 4 from the Addendum No.1 for locations. Please note that Map 4 proposes a new “public utility” corridor through Jones Park; at a meeting of the Chapel Hill Planning Board on June 3, 2003, University representatives reported that this location was shown in error. A condition in the 2001 Development Plan approval prohibited the location of new utilities in Jones Park.
We have reviewed this application for compliance with the standards of Office/Institutional-4 zoning district and the Council-endorsed guidelines that set forth of transportation, stormwater management, noise, and light standards. We offer the following evaluation.
Manning Drive Parking Deck Deletion (P-7)
Noise and Light: No impacts caused by deletion. Existing conditions to remain.
Stormwater Management: No impacts caused by deletion. Existing conditions to remain.
Transportation: No impacts caused by deletion. Existing conditions to remain.
Jackson Circle Parking Deck Addition (P-10 Mod)
Noise and Light: The Development Plan application submitted by the University states that each Site Development Plan for buildings within the approved modification to the Development Plan will conform to the noise and light performance standards adopted by the Town Council on July 2, 2001. As provided for by the Council endorsed guidelines, information and compliance with the noise and light performance standards must be submitted with each application for a Site Development Permit.
Stormwater Management: The University Development Plan Modification application includes a section on Stormwater Management which indicates that development proposed with the Development Plan will be accompanied by measures to mitigate stormwater impacts (rate, volume and quality) during construction and resulting from the development. The Site Development Permit application for this component of the Development Plan must include a certification of compliance with required Stormwater Management Performance Standards.
Transportation: The total number of net new parking spaces on campus that would result from approval of the proposed changes to the Development Plan would increase by 29 spaces. The main difference is in the location of approximately 900 of those spaces (reallocated from the deleted Manning Drive parking deck to two new, smaller decks). The Traffic Impact Analysis estimates that, without this proposed reallocation of parking spaces, average daily traffic volume on South Columbia Street would be approximately 25,100 vehicles in the year 2010. With the proposed reallocation, that figure increases to 26,000. Please refer to the attached Discussion Paper on traffic projections for further discussion of data and methods of projection. We believe that the changes in traffic movements result in the need for additional transportation improvements, and we list those at the end of this evaluation under “Recommendations.”
Relation to Potential Fixed Guideway Corridor: The proposed Jackson Circle deck is in a location that might be directly adjacent to a possible fixed guideway corridor, possibly at the terminus of that corridor. We believe that it would be appropriate to include a condition of approval that requires, as part of a Site Development Permit application for the deck, that attention be given to the location of this deck with respect to the potential transit corridor, and that the placement of the deck be arranged such that no fixed-guideway transit alternatives would be precluded.
Cobb Hall Performing Arts Parking Deck/Chiller Plant (P-9 Mod and I-3 Mod)
Key concerns of this proposed facility are the impact on the adjacent Chapel Hill Cemetery, and impacts on traffic patterns in this area.
Noise and Light: The Development Plan application submitted by the University states that each Site Development Plan for buildings within the approved modification to the Development Plan will conform to the noise and light performance standards adopted by the Town Council on July 2, 2001. As provided for by the Council endorsed guidelines, information and compliance with the noise and light performance standards must be submitted with each application for a Site Development Permit.
Stormwater Management: The University Development Plan Modification application includes a section on Stormwater Management which indicates that development proposed with the Development Plan will be accompanied by measures to mitigate stormwater impacts (rate, volume and quality) during construction and resulting from the development. The Site Development Permit application for this component of the Development Plan must include a certification of compliance with required Stormwater Management Performance Standards.
Transportation: The total number of net new parking spaces on campus that would result from approval of the proposed changes to the Development Plan would increase by 29 spaces. The main difference is in the location of approximately 900 of those spaces (reallocated from the deleted Manning Drive parking deck to two new, smaller decks). With respect to traffic movements at intersections near the Boundary-Battle-Country Club area, the reallocation of parking spaces would mean more vehicles moving through intersections that would already be experiencing difficulty. We believe that the changes in traffic movements result in the need for additional transportation improvements, and we list those at the end of this evaluation under “Recommendations.”
Relationship to Cemetery: Although no projects proposed with the Development Plan Modification are within the Chapel Hill Local Historic District or the National Register Historic District, portions of the proposed Cobb Hall-Performing Arts Parking Deck (P-9 Mod) and Chiller Plant (I-3 Mod) are located adjacent to the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery.
The Old Chapel Hill Cemetery is part of a National Register Historic District. Attached to this report is a letter from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources requesting the University to include the Department of Cultural Resources in the planning process to ensure that the historic property is given full consideration under applicable laws and regulations. We recommend that approval of this application stipulate that the University’s submittal of a Site Development Permit for the Cobb Hall-Performing Arts Parking Deck and Chiller Plant include verification that the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources was involved in the planning process.
In addition to the attached letter from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, this report includes correspondence from a citizen.
Perimeter Transition Area: Because the location of this proposed facility is at the edge of the University’s property, we believe that it would be appropriate to designate this location as a Perimeter Transition Area. We have included provisions in the attached Resolution A that would do so. Designation of a Perimeter Transition Area means that extra attention and information is needed to assess impacts on adjacent, non-University property. Designating this project as a Perimeter Transition Area would trigger standards addressing screening mechanical equipment, exterior lighting, height limits and landscaping.
Following is a list of standards that we recommend for this new perimeter transition area:
a) Mechanical Equipment: All mechanical equipment, both rooftop and ground locations, visible from the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery shall be screened from view from the cemetery.
b) Lighting: All interior and exterior building lighting will be designed to:
1. Minimize spillover onto property outside of the OI-4 zoning district.
2. Prevent glare on property outside of the OI-4 zoning district.
Details confirming compliance shall be provided in the Site Development Permit application.
c) Building Height: Dominant building mass of the parking deck and chiller plant shall be consistent with adjacent buildings. The tallest roof ridge elevation for the deck and chiller plant shall not exceed the roof ridge elevation of the adjacent Cobb Dormitory (except for elevator shafts, chimneys, mechanical equipment enclosures and parapet walls).
d) Landscape Buffer: A Type C buffer or equivalent, or alternate bufferyard approved by the Community Design Commission, shall be located between the building and the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery. The landscape buffer shall consist of a mix of evergreen and deciduous plant materials. Landscape details shall be part of the Site Development Permit application submittal. A Type C buffer is typically 20 feet wide.
We recommend that approval of this Development Plan Modification No. 1 application include the designation of the Cobb Hall-Performing Art Parking Deck and Chiller Plant as a Perimeter Transition Area incorporating the above standards. Alternatively, if the Council determines that the Perimeter Transition Area designation is not warranted in this particular case, we recommend that the Council approval incorporate the standards listed above for screening mechanical equipment, exterior lighting, height limits and landscaping. All development must comply with standard in the Town’s Noise Ordinance regarding noise levels at a property line.
Information Technology Building (O-3 Mod)
Noise and Light: The Development Plan application submitted by the University states that each Site Development Plan for buildings within the approved modification to the Development Plan will conform to the noise and light performance standards adopted by the Town Council on July 2, 2001. As provided for by the Council endorsed guidelines, information and compliance with the noise and light performance standards must be submitted with each application for a Site Development Permit.
Stormwater Management: The University Development Plan Modification application includes a section on Stormwater Management which indicates that development proposed with the Development Plan will be accompanied by measures to mitigate stormwater impacts (rate, volume and quality) during construction and resulting from the development. The Site Development Permit application for this component of the Development Plan must include a certification of compliance with required Stormwater Management Performance Standards.
Mason Farm Road Student Family Housing (H-10 through H-21)
Noise and Light: The Development Plan application submitted by the University states that each Site Development Plan for buildings within the approved modification to the Development Plan will conform to the noise and light performance standards adopted by the Town Council on July 2, 2001. As provided for by the Council endorsed guidelines, information and compliance with the noise and light performance standards must be submitted with each application for a Site Development Permit.
Stormwater Management: The University Development Plan Modification application includes a section on Stormwater Management which indicates that development proposed with the Development Plan will be accompanied by measures to mitigate stormwater impacts (rate, volume and quality) during construction and resulting from the development. The Site Development Permit application for this component of the Development Plan must include a certification of compliance with required Stormwater Management Performance Standards.
Site Design: The proposed footprints of buildings in this modification request are similar to the approved 2001 Development Plan. However, several access and circulation changes are proposed. First, with the deletion of the Manning Drive parking deck, road access to the northeast (which would have connected to this deck) has been eliminated. One result is that, under the proposed plan, fewer cars related to parking facilities on Manning Drive would be travelling along this segment of Mason Farm Road. Another result is that potential pedestrian connections to the northeast that might have been possible under the 2001 plan are not included in the proposed modification. (This connection is particularly important because of transit service along Manning Drive.) We recommend that pedestrian connections from Baity Hill to surrounding areas to the north and northeast be required as Site Development Permit applications are designed and submitted. We have included this condition in the attached Resolution A.
The 2001 Development Plan approval contained a condition limiting the size of the housing corridor in this location to 60 feet, to allow two 90-foot transportation corridors immediately to the south and to the north of the proposed housing (so as not to preclude options for the yet-to-be-finalized fixed guideway corridor or possible roadway changes). We believe it would be reasonable to include a condition of approval that requires, at the time of Site Development Permit submittal for the housing, demonstration that the design preserves the two transportation corridors that were specified in the 2001 approval. We have included these recommended conditions in the attached Resolution A.
The 2001 Development Plan identified a total of 12 student family housing buildings along Mason Farm Road, including 306 units with a total floor area of 306,900 square feet and 459 parking spaces. The current application is proposing to modify this portion of the previously approved plan. The proposed changes include reducing the number of student family housing buildings, along Mason Farm Road, from twelve to nine, and increasing floor area and dwelling units to 397 dwelling units with a total floor area of 454,450 square feet. We believe that it is desirable and consistent with the Development Plan to add student housing to the main campus. Also, with this redesign there would be an increase in parking of 15 spaces.
An additional change is a proposed shift of buildings along Mason Farm Road further to the west than was shown in the 2001 Development Plan. The general configuration of buildings proposed in this application is similar to the approved 2001 plan.
A key change in access is proposed for Building H-21. The Development Plan approved in 2001 states that for this site “Vehicular access will be through the existing surface parking lot.” As shown on the approved plan, an existing surface parking lot is located west of the building H-21. The application proposes the elimination of this parking area and relocating vehicular access east of the building.
We recommend approval of the proposed modification to the Student Housing Family East Perimeter Transition Area. We recommend that submittal of the Site Development Permit for this project include a detailed cross-section of the Mason Farm Road area. The cross-section must identify and verify the following corridors and associated dimensions:
a) A Housing Corridor, with a minimum width of 60 feet, parallel to Mason Farm Road;
b) Two parallel Transportation Corridors, one immediately to the north and one immediately to the south of the Housing Corridor, both of identical width, each 75 feet wide at the eastern edge of the proposed building area (adjacent to the entrance to Baity Hill), widening to the west to the greatest extent practicable up to a width of 90 feet.
As specified in the 2001 Development Plan conditions of approval, the location of all corridors shall be measured from the northern edge of the pavement on Mason Farm Road. Use of the Transportation Corridors shall be reserved for a possible new street or transit line, but may be used initially for parking, play areas, walkways and landscaping. The design of any street or transit facility to be built in either of these Transportation Corridors shall be approved by the Town Council prior to construction.
We do not recommend approval of the proposed modification to the Student Housing Family West Perimeter Transition Area (H-21). The proposed plan includes access on the east side of the site between the proposed building and the adjacent property. Discussions during the previous review and approval of this Transition Area in 2001 centered on access to this site and stipulated, as discussed above, that vehicular access will be from the western side of the proposed building. The current proposal eliminates the vehicular access through the parking lot and relocates the access in an area stipulated on the 2001 approval as buffer area. We recommend adding a condition of approval requiring access to building H-21 from the west, similar to the plan proposed and approved in the 2001 Development Plan.
For approval of a Development Plan in the Office/Institutional-4 zoning district, the Council must make the following findings, as set forth in Section 3.5.2 of the Land Use Management Ordinance: The Town Council shall approve a Development Plan unless it finds that the proposed development would not:
a) Maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare; or
b) Maintain the value of adjacent property.
Upon review of the application and information that has been submitted to date, our preliminary recommendation is that with the recommended conditions of approval, these findings can be made.
We believe that the proposed Development Plan addresses the required issues that are spelled out in the OI-4 Zoning District. We have identified improvements and mitigation measures that we believe are necessary in order to accommodate the proposed development.
The original Development Plan approval required that Biennial Transportation Impact Analyses be prepared and submitted that include current traffic counts and updated projections. The first of these analyses was submitted in December, 2001. The next analysis is due in December 2003. The original requirement included biennial analysis of 26 intersections. Because additional intersections will be affected by this reallocation of parking spaces, we recommend adding eight additional intersections to the list to be studied, beginning with the December 2003 report. Resolution A includes a condition adding these intersections to the report list, and lists the intersections.
We recommend that conditions of approval be added that would require the following improvements:
· Revise traffic signal timing plans at key intersections;
· Upgrade signal heads for the Franklin/Boundary intersection;
· Design/reconstruct the Boundary Street/Battle Lane/Country Club Road intersection;
· Add Pedestrian “countdown” signals and crosswalks at key intersections;
· Construct a sidewalk along the north side of South Road, adjacent to the cemetery;
We have included these conditions in the attached Resolution A.