TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing Contracts with the University of North Carolina and the Town of Carrboro for Provision of Public Transportation Services
DATE: June 23, 2003
The attached resolution would authorize the Manager to enter into contracts with the University of North Carolina and the Town of Carrboro for provision of public transportation services for 2003-04.
As a part of the budget process each year, the staff negotiates with the University and the Town of Carrboro for transit services and cost sharing. The actual level of service to be provided is determined by an annual service contract.
The Town of Chapel Hill traditionally has entered into a multi-year Memorandum of Understanding with each of these parties regarding sharing of costs. The University pays the full cost of certain “University” routes and then pays a proportional amount based on a population allocation system for the remaining costs under the fare free scenario. Under the terms of such an agreement the cost, after the “University” routes are paid, of services for 2002-03 (current year) would be shared as follows: Chapel Hill – 46.92%, Carrboro – 15.42% and the University – 37.66%. The Manager’s Recommended Budget for 2003-04 is based on a continuation of this cooperative arrangement for public transportation services in the community.
The Council’s budget for transit services includes the following: (1) four maintenance Division positions, (2) ten full-time fixed route driver positions, (3) an administrative analyst position, and (4) continuation of fare free service.
Preliminary discussions between the University and the Town estimate that the University’s net cost for transit services for fiscal year 2003-04 will be $4,295,399.
Preliminary discussions between the Town of Carrboro and the Town of Chapel Hill estimate the Town of Carrboro’s net cost for transit services for fiscal year 2003-04 will be $834,536.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Manager to execute agreements with the Town of Carrboro and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the provision of public transportation services.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby approves, and authorizes the Town Manager to execute on behalf of the Town, and in accordance with the adopted Memorandum of Understanding for transit services, contracts with the University of North Carolina and the Town of Carrboro for the Town to provide them public transportation services, provided said contracts shall not increase the cost of the Town of Chapel Hill transit services above budgeted amounts in the Town’s adopted budget.
This the 23rd day of June, 2003.