Mayor Broun called the meeting to order.  Council Members in attendance were Julie Andresen, Joyce Brown, Joe Capowski, Mark Chilton, Joe Herzenberg, Alan Rimer and Roosevelt Wilkerson, Jr.  Council Member Werner was absent excused.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Mayor Lisa Price, Town Manager Cal Horton, Assistant Town Managers Sonna Loewenthal and Florentine Miller and Town Attorney Ralph Karpinos.


Council Member Brown introduced members of the Solid Waste Reduction Task Force in attendance this evening.  She noted that the report reaffirmed the feeling that the plan was a practical one.  Council Member Brown said the drafting of the report had reflected a fully participatory democratic process.  Council Member Brown also noted that no one group had dominated or forced the group toward one point of view.  She stated that the report had changed greatly from the first draft to the final report.  Council Member Brown noted that the task force had met for four hours at its final meeting and had reviewed each line of their report.  She expressed thanks to the members of the task force for a job well-done.  Council Member Brown expressed hope that the Council would not spend much time this evening discussing minor details of the report but in addressing overall goals.  She noted that the importance of involving and educating the public about solid waste management issues and problems.  Council Member Brown also noted that the Council had adopted a resolution on November 25th requesting that the Landfill Owners Group make recommendations to the Council.  She emphasized the importance of full public involvement in discussing solid waste disposal challenges.


Council Member Rimer said he concurred with Council Member Brown's remarks about the task force.  Council Member Rimer expressed regret that he had not been able to participate as much as he wished in task force activities due to other commitments.  He noted that the Landfill Owners Group was moving ahead with the actions prescribed by the Council and other local governments, preparing for a public hearing in the near future.  Council Member Rimer said it was particularly important to integrate the thoughts of the public into the consultant's request for proposal.  Council Member Rimer stated that the Landfill Owners Group would compose a joint recommendation for all three local government bodies (Orange County, Carrboro and the Town).  He noted that the group would examine a range of source reduction and refuse collection methods.


Council Member Rimer noted that the Landfill Owners Group would hold a public hearing on solid waste matters in the future and report results of the hearing to Orange County, Carrboro and Town officials.  Council Member Rimer said emphases at the outset would be placed on how recycling would be handled including existing programs, pay-as-you-throw, blue bag systems and other programs. He noted that a preliminary outline of the approach to developing the plan would be drafted as a basis for the public hearing.  Council Member Brown inquired whether the Landfill Owners Group would examine the entire solid waste production and disposal stream.  Council Member Rimer said this was correct, noting that only incineration had been ruled out as a disposal method.  Council Member Brown expressed concern that a memorandum concerning methods did not specifically rule out incineration.  Council Member Rimer said the memorandum had been written by the staff in a "quick report" fashion and was not to be considered exhaustive.  He said that incineration was not being considered as a disposal method.


Council Member Andresen thanked members of the Solid Waste Reduction Task Force for their good work.  She said the task force had developed some good suggestions which would be helpful in the future.  Council Member Andresen said although the Town had a very good recycling effort, there was still energy to be tapped in this regard.  She emphasized the need for the Council to provide some kind of leadership for voluntary activities suggested in the group's report.  Council Member Andresen also noted that some of the report's recommendations might be quite expensive to implement.  She inquired whether the Council wanted the Town to have a role in waste reduction separate from the activities of the Landfill Owners Group.


Council Member Rimer said the Landfill Owners Group was a manifestation of three groups that jointly operated the landfill facility.  He noted that the collection of solid waste was the responsibility of the Towns and Orange County as well as private haulers.  Council Member Rimer suggested that the community-based system remain in place, rather than establish another authority.  Mayor Broun said the Solid Waste Reduction Task Force's principal recommendation was that an implementation committee be created.  Council Member Brown said the proposed committee could do a great deal.  She expressed hope that the Council would proceed with the proposed solid waste management plan.  Noting the task force's collective expertise concerning solid waste issues, Council Member Brown noted the importance of putting this expertise to work in the future.  She said the committee could make recommendations on programs on waste reduction techniques, composting and other solid waste issues.  Council Member Brown said she encouraged members of the task force to serve on the new committee.  Council Member Andresen emphasized the importance of the Council determining the major goals of the proposed committee.


Council Member Wilkerson inquired why the matter was being discussed this evening since the Landfill Owners Group had recently commissioned a study on solid waste matters.  Council Member Andresen said the primary purpose of this evening's work session was to have a general discussion of waste reduction objectives.  Council Member Wilkerson said he did not understand why the discussion could not be postponed until additional information from the study commissioned by the Landfill Owners Group was available. Council Member Rimer said the Council had requested that the Landfill Owners Group had been requested to come back to them prior to commissioning a study of public attitudes about solid waste issues.  He noted that the Landfill Owners Group was attempting to schedule a hearing in February or March to discuss elements of the proposed solid waste management plan.


Council Member Rimer noted that the group would draft a preliminary outline of issues to serve as a basis of discussion for the hearing.  He said the Landfill Owners Group would try to develop a solid waste management plan in two or three stages, based on input from the Council, Carrboro Board of Aldermen and Orange County Board of Commissioners.  Council Member Rimer noted that an integrated solid waste management plan would take nine to twelve months to complete.


Mayor Broun noted that Council Member Brown was concerned about the overall waste management plan and how it could be attained.  He added that the Landfill Owners Group had a process in place to begin addressing these matters.  Mayor Broun said the Council needed to formulate the committee's charge and agree on whether any activities were needed to complement those of the Landfill Owners Group.  Council Member Andresen said she wanted to see an emphasis placed on voluntary programs.  She also said that programs could be initiated to reduce waste by local retail establishment.  Council Member Andresen said such programs would not interfere with the activities of the Landfill Owners Group.


Council Member Brown inquired why a consultant study had been initiated by the Landfill Owner Group.  Council Member Rimer said the study would be complemented by public input.  He noted that the Landfill Owners Group had only commissioned a public hearing at this point.  Council Member Andresen said it appeared that Council Member Brown was requesting input on which consultant would be selected and what they would study.  Council Member Brown expressed concern that the Landfill Owners Group had already outlined a recommended plan.  Council Member Rimer said a draft outline of a plan of action had been developed to facilitate a public hearing on solid waste matters.  He noted that the task force's report "Toward Zero Garbage" was a component of an overall solid waste management plan.


Council Member Andresen noted that this evening's work session was an appropriate time for making comments to the Landfill Owners Group.  Council Member Brown said the Landfill Owners Group outline provided some indication of the group's objectives, but did not provide sufficient information for comment.  She noted that additional information might be provided in the future.  Council Member Herzenberg said he did not understand the nature of the disagreement.  Council Member Wilkerson said the Landfill Owners Group was proceeding with activities as requested by the Council.  Council Member Chilton said the Landfill Owners Group memorandum appeared to indicate that the public hearing would focus on refuse-derived fuel technology.  Council Member Brown said she was concerned with why incineration had been referenced by the Landfill Owners Group if it was not being considered as a method of disposal.  Mayor Broun inquired whether Council wished to make specific suggestions to the Landfill Owners Group.


Council Member Brown expressed concern that a January 29th memorandum about the activities of the Landfill Owners Group made statements which contradicted Council Member Rimer's earlier remarks.  Council Member Rimer noted that the memorandum referred to refuse-derived fuel as an option, but did not refer to incineration.  He noted that refuse-derived fuel was a technology which differed vastly from incineration.  Council Member Andresen requested a clarification of the definitions of incineration and refuse-derived fuel.  Mr. Heflin provided a clarification of the terms, noting that there had been no discussion of a dedicated boiler for burning refuse.  Council Member Andresen noted that even if the community elected to have incineration, it might be precluded by non-attainment and air quality standards.  Mr. Heflin said air quality was an important consideration in examining disposal methods.  He noted that Wake County was currently conducting a study of incineration.


Council Member Brown said there was very little difference in what comes out of the stack between mass burning and refuse-derived fuel.  She said the Council needed to decide whether the Landfill Owners Group should examine various types of refuse disposal technologies.  Mayor Broun briefly reviewed the Council's options concerning the development of a solid waste management plan for the community.  He suggested that the Council needed to determine whether it was necessary to go forward with steps other than the activities of the Landfill Owners Group.  Mayor Broun said the Council needed to discuss the charge of the proposed new committee, in the event it were established. Council Member Herzenberg suggested that the Council consider appointing members of the Solid Waste Reduction Task Force to the proposed new committee.  Council Member Wilkerson said he thought it was the Council's consensus to automatically make these appointments at the request of individual task force members.  Council Member Andresen noted it was likely that individuals other than task force members would also want to serve on the committee.


Council Member Rimer noted the importance of having a cross-section of the community reflected on the committee.  He also noted the need for the Council to agree on the objectives of the Landfill Owners Group and the proposed new committee.  Council Member Brown suggested that she and Council Member Rimer could compose a resolution outlining the Council's solid waste related objectives. Council Member Andresen expressed interest in assisting Council Members Brown and Rimer in drafting the resolution.  Council Member Andresen requested an update on ash disposal.  Mr. Horton said ash from the University's operations was used to fill in holes, rather than buried with garbage, at the landfill facility.  He said the Town was unable to guarantee the ability to continue receiving ash at a new landfill facility.  Mr. Horton said disposal of ash provided an important income source for the Town.


Council Member Andresen said a memorandum from Council Member Werner contained several good ideas relative to solid waste and recycling.  Mayor Broun said he liked Council Member Werner's idea about recycled products and markets.  He noted the importance of the Council drafting a charge for the solid waste committee. Council Member Rimer said that Council Members Andresen, Brown and himself would compose a resolution for the Council's consideration.  Noting that a recruitment and appointment process could take sixty to ninety days, he inquired whether the Council was amenable to permitting members of the Solid Waste Reduction Task Force to continue their service while the recruitment and processes for remaining committee members was underway.  Council Member Herzenberg inquired whether members of the task force had been discharged.  Mr. Horton said members were ordinarily discharged once a report had been completed and presented.  Mayor Broun emphasized the importance of moving ahead with committee appointments as soon as possible.  Council Member Brown suggested that the Council adopt and forward a resolution of thanks to all the members of the Solid Waste Reduction Task Force.  She inquired whether a date had been set for the Landfill Owners Group's proposed public hearing.  Council Member Rimer said no date had yet been set.


Council Member Capowski said he had read the task force report with great interest.  He inquired why the landfill tipping fee was $21 per ton, regardless of volume tipped.  Council Member Capowski asked whether fees could be adjusted to achieve volume reduction.  Mr. Horton said the landfill's largest tippers were the Town, Carrboro and the University of North Carolina.  He added that if the area had more industries, volumes might be more attributable to single users.  Council Member Capowski said the landfill tipping fee structure merited study on the basis of volume tipped.  Council Member Brown inquired about ways in which taxes could be kept down while raising tipping fees.  She also inquired whether the tipping fees would help pay for the cost of a new landfill. Mr. Horton noted that the landfill tipping fee was determined jointly by the members of the Landfill Owners Group.  Mr. Horton said he did not have adequate information at the moment to respond to Council Member Brown's inquiry about recovering costs of the proposed new landfill site.  Mr. Horton said he could provide a better answer when a specific landfill site had been determined.  He said that one option for financing the landfill was through the use of special obligation bonds.


Council Member Capowski suggested that the Council develop policies to encourage more recycling by local businesses.  Council Member Chilton noted that Marriott Corporation, contractor for the University's dining facilities, was actively involved in recycling.  Council Member Capowski noted that the use of non-recyclable materials would likely increase the cost of meals at local dining establishments.  Council Member Capowski inquired whether the landfill accepted waste from outside Orange County.  Mr. Horton noted that efforts were made to monitor this situation.  Mr. Heflin said the majority of waste was received on a credit basis.  He said that staff had a good sense of where wastes were generated.  Mr. Horton noted that some of the Town's waste was picked up from Town residents residing in Durham County.  Council Member Brown noted that people might choose to use the Orange County landfill if the fees were lower than at other area landfills.  Mr. Heflin noted that Orange County currently had some of the highest tipping fees in the area.  But indicated changes were likely in the future.


Council Member Capowski inquired about the feasibility of designating a portion of the landfill site for fill dirt.  Mr. Horton noted that there was an active market for resale of clean fill dirt.  Council Member Rimer noted that dirt used for building purposes was particularly saleable.  Council Member Andresen suggested that Mary Beth Powell, an area resident familiar with a range of solid waste issues, might be a good resource for the proposed committee.


Council Member Chilton noted that the University was attempting to expand its waste reduction and recycling programs.


Mayor Broun thanked the members of the Solid Waste Task Force for their efforts.


The work session concluded at 6:59 p.m.