Mayor Broun called the session to
order at 5:4_ p.m. Council Members in
attendance were Joyce Brown, Joe Capowski, Mark Chilton, Barbara Powell, Joe
Herzenberg and Art Werner.
WCH--called on Rosemary Waldorf and
members of Task Force;
Darren Steen--resident of Chapel Hill
for past ten years or so; in sales for First Security Alarm Company; get to see
aftermath of what discussing for past nine months; need to do something about proposals--
Caroline Becker--retired associate
professor from UNC--favor more law enforcement officers;
Rebecca Clark--long-time Town
resident; hope will accept proposal for law enforcement proposals;
Paul Light (?)--
Diana Robinson
Rosemary Waldorf--looking forward to
answering any questions; very much appreciate consent for alternative
prosecution grant; will do everything possible as a committee to make it work;
Broun--thanks to committee for making
it work; possibly list out proposals--
Waldorf--support computer system for
Police Department; hope it will materialize soon; a few additional
recommendations concerning Merritt Mill Road; hope will have separate Police
and Fire Departments; can't solve drug problem; make it difficult for them to
do business here;
Ralph Pendergraph--think group is
working hard to understand what is going on and what capabilities are; talked
with investigators; assign people long term to deal with problems; Broun--mirrored priorities? Pendergraph--investigators--number one staff
priority; don't restrict work to solely narcotics work;
JBr--Committee has done a very good
job--any cost estimates? Waldorf--were for some and not for others; WCH--about
$90,000 total; JBr--police dogs? Waldorf--$6,000 each; officers already on staff--new officers not
Joe C--thank you for work; current budget proposal--which
included? WCH--lighting and computer
system, crisis counseling; Broun--transition for Police and Fire included in '94-'95
and '95-'96? WCH--correct; JCap--two more autos for narcotics
investigators? WCH--at least one; AW--some estimate adding two investigators
could have how much impact?
Waldorf--estimate of 25% reduction in crimes; drug trafficking
contributes to other types of crime;
AW--good bang for buck incremental cost; Ralph P--priorities may change--apply enough pressure with two;
AW--priority still be more officers?
Ralph P--not sure at present; patrol still has dual
responsibilities--deal with issues--in and out; BBP--was not here for presentation;
very interesting--Waldorf--see things you can't get in a memorandum; BBP--agree; Waldorf--Durham asked for 53 and
will likely get 38 officers;
BBP--neighborhood concept; what would it take to get it in place? Ralph P--defer to Captain Jarvies; first
step--transition; some neighborhoods require more staffing than others; do need
to direct more resources to problem; Gregg J--full community-oriented policing
program is expensive proposition; start from task force basis; where impact can
be felt immediately; not enough continuity in public safety today; Mr.
Light--public safety officer--not a good idea; most Towns have this type of
system; make life a lot easier--division is wearing two hats--very unfortunate;
JA--also expensive to change back; Waldorf--mostly
done; Light--very expensive in long-run not to do so; WCH--accomplish restoration within a five-year time frame; Mr.
Light's comments are well-taken; number and type of crimes experienced;
concentrate training and teamwork; carry out in next two fiscal years; Waldorf--policing via community and public
safety--very different; public safety--constantly split; community
policing--reallly different situation;
JBr--Fire Department impact?
WCH--add six persons to Fire Department staff--additional staffing is
desirable; more important to separate departments to maintain effectiveness;
AW--what is this equivalent too in additional full-time police officers? WCH--difference is amount of time responding
to fire calls and amount of time training;
Ralph P--look at base number for six rotational slots--at least six have
to be dually trained--approximately two 28-day cycles per year each; no real
continuity in police assignments;
WCH--when all aggregated--wind up with six people; Ralph P--hard to
analyze since so long since had separate programs; total standing reserve for
Police Department; try to compensate with reserve program; offset loss of extra
officers in fire station;
JCap--what changes or improvements on
Merritt Mill Road? Wladorf--really dark
corner at Merritt Mill Road and Franklin Street--quite dark by Crook's Corner;
five light poles; Clark--Town intent on keeping trees; on side of Crook's
Corner--people park all along streets; JCap--things in budget--lighting for
Merritt Mill Road? WCH--can add funds
for this; not much difficulty if poles in place and lighting system in
place; BBP--Sunset Drive by Rosemary
Street--very dark area; Rosemary Waldorf--mostly looking at downtown area; list
is not complete; JA--looked at costs
for lighting improvements? WCH--about
$3,000 needs to be added for lighting; some lights can be added during the
course of this year; some lighting also needed on private property; JA--cost of narcotics officers? Broun--$46,000 for one including cost of an
auto; roughly $90,000 total;
JA--helpful to have objective group of citizens evaluate basic services;
Waldorf--many weapons in neighborhoods; officers feel discouraged about what
they do; make drug business difficult in Town;
Broun--thanked the committee for work;
AW--lets get consensus now on
proposals; Broun--concur; AW--service that people are willing to pay
for; Broun--lighting, computer and crisis
counselor included; maybe obligation to
go ahead with narcotic investigators;
WCH--can do more if have teams of two officers; grateful for one or two
officers; JBr--where could we get money
for this without raising taxes--think this is an important priority; WCH--list of possible reductions totalling
about $700,000; AW--rather have list of
what we want and what we don't want;
JA--asking Manager to give us his priorities from list;
WCH--recommendation is that cuts not be made--some could be done without harm;
add police officers at additional cost;
JCap--if total entire list--$180 to $190,000; crisis counselors,
narcotics officers, computers, dogs; WCH--correct; JCap--not recommending $186,000 for joint department? WCH--correct; JCap--believe future years will be better? WCH--no;
MC--does budget indicate will have to
pay about $15,000 for towing with offseting revenue of $10,000; Ralph P--do lose money on towing; some cases
we receive no compensation; MC--fee is more or less an exact cost? Ralph P--correct; Ralph P--towing cost?
Gregg J--ranges between $35 and $60;
WCH--could prepare an updated listing
for a future work session; Broun--may get some thoughts out this evening;
WCH--Transportation Planner to carry out elements of work of TBoard; all
elements of transportation planning;
JA--how many trans. planners?
WCH--total of three;
PCrotts--question at last session
about benefits for part-time employees; 20-37.5 hours per week on a permanent
organized basis; most other organizations have pro-rated benefits; Broun--any
questions of Pat C? JCap--54 part-time
employees? PC--about right; JCap--cost
of fringe packages compared to University?
PCrotts--would have to calculate this;
JCap--starts only after 30 hours per week; does university have to budget funds? WCH--yes; Broun--only
difference is in area of health benefits; WCH--not a practical way to make a
dollar for dollar comparison;
WCH--transformer went out down the
street; one closest to us is still out; at least 45 minutes outage; hope Council will consider when to schedule
another session; Broun--might have a session on Tuesday, June 15th at 5:45
p.m.? JA--prefer 7:30 p.m.; Broun--allright for staff? WCH--yes, June 15th at 7:30 p.m.
Bruce H--percentage of recycling
budget--did arithmetic of looking at budget; about $490,000; total contribution
is about 13.6%; JCap--does Town pay 13.6% of landfill budget? Bruce H--no; this is percentage of recycling
budget; JBr--Town does not have recycling budget? BH--correct; JBr--costs for siting landfill plus $505 million for
landfill operation; BH--have never done a cost-benefit analysis for landfill;
JBr--no estimate of possible cost savings?
WCH--continue to need landfill for as long as can project; no idea how
much land costs will be for landfill; hope to have better figures in six to
nine months; JBr--some communities
reducing waste by as much as 50-60%; BH--office paper recycling--did an
informal poll of over 70 businesses; 64% indicated that they recycle office
paper; service primarily provided by the private sector; other things private
sector is doing; also businesses--let public know that these sources are
available; BH--no options for recycling
oil at one time--when service began; has become quite a popular service; JBr--might be that people do not know about
them; also collecting other items in a
shed; work with Durham Habitat for Humanity; BH--swap program--a lot goes on at
green box sites; some preliminary discussions with non-profits;
Broun--rearyard refuse
collection; Bruce H--to achieve
savings--reduce number of positions; collect with slightly over six residential
routes; reduce a crew--net savings of $58,000; no employees available for brush
or bulky item collection;
JCap--question on truck--eliminate purchase of truck? BH--yes sir; JCap--once per week rearyard collection--avoid buying a truck
next year? BH--yes; BBP-how many in crew? BH--three; truck would cost about $75,000;
truck and personnel cost about $103,000 in first year; BBP--would hate to see us save anything on
this end--cutting three people; save in one area but cost us in another; JBr--have not talked about letting people
go--this would be handled through attrition?
BH--correct; JBr--relate to memo about changes in collection systems;
BH--looking at current system and collection alternatives; look at costs
inherent in system and other aspects of solid waste management; also look at
incentive and disincentive systems; possibly make later changes more
difficult; JBr--possible timeframe? BH--hope to have three governing bodies
review scope of work before summer; anticipate six months to get work
done--perhaps by mid-winter;
WCH--consistent with LOG proposed timeframe;
BH--carts at curbside; spoke to
Hillsborough and Carrboro--neither collects hard data; both said fairly common
for them to be left out; follow-up actions taken as necessary; citations are
fairly rare; only one in Carrboro and
none in Hillsborough; BH--voluntnary
roll cart system; outlined advantages and disadvantages of system; believe
operations could become more complex; rare for us to have continuity from week
to week;
BBP--curbside once per week with
carts--savings through less staff?
BH--yes and number of vehicles;
BBP--problems with containers in areas with no sidewalks? BH--experience with Town and other areas--no
serious problems with non-curb and guttered streets; BBP--possibly have an
experimental period; what about this proposal?
BH--experiment in neighborhoods with once per week curbside--do not
recommend continuance of program; system not used much nationally; BBP--when experiments begin? BH--generally around September 1st; give
reports during budget deliberations;
JBr--Hillsborough has curbside rather than rollout carts--not as
noticeable as large containers--not unattractive or noticeable; JA--how different? JBr--no uniform carts;
will likely have consultant's recommendation by time of possible new
pilot program; WCH--consultant to make
comparison of different types of systems; work to be completed in time for next
budget cycle; JBr--roll carts--some citizens have inquired about possibility of
purchasing these carts; BH--can return
them--some costs associated with shipping; possibly make alternative
recommendations for value; WCH--need about 100 for recycling program and purchase another 400 carts; retain some for
our own use; foolish to send them back;
JCap--what was initial cost of each?
Gayle W--about $50 each; JCap--private citizen--how much would one cost? Gayle W--about $80;
JA--disappointed not greater savings
with once per week rearyard collection; WCH--suggest pilot program before doing
this Town-wide; would also virtually
eliminate yard waste program; JA--consultant's study--mandatory that we agree
on a system? WCH--no; believe almost no
overlap between types of systems; Carrboro and Chapel Hill may have some areas
of cooperation; JA--increase in
expenses for buying certain types of trucks; BH--once weekly curbside would
give possibility to reduce crews from three to two persons; JCap--rollout
proposal--Town would own carts--if break, what would happen? BH--repair them; JCap--how know cart broken?
BH--reported; carts don't break very often; JCap--Carrboro's experience; Wilson--one damaged cart--hit by
car--back in use; BH-would not
anticipate adding staff to repair carts;
Broun--tough issue to come to grips with; once a week--no savings--does not make sense to do this;
rollcarts or backyard pick-up; giving own opinion; Broun--next question is
whether we are ready for rollout garbage--do have a consensus on this; would
like to do more in Parks and Police; may still have problem with half-cent
sales tax; stay with backyard--sense that community is willing to spend extra
money--give it to them; others may differ with this interpretation;
JHz--community may prefer system we
have in general; people in pilot
project area do like rollout carts; liked Art Dodd's suggestion--people willing
to keep carts; some people willing to pay more for a lower level of service;
JA--Mr. Dodd--view his situation as a special case--thinks everyone should have
a rollout cart; think we should stick with what we have; really a matter of
level of service; Joe C--once versus twice per week backyard pickup--must be
some structural flaw with once per week pickup; balanced with summer heat in
the Town and total amount of garbage and recycling; costs $37 per
household--people are willing to pay for it; one out of eight homes--leave
carts at curbside; let's stay with what we have; AW--very vocal and persuasive subgroup--adamant suport of twice
per week rearyard pickup; most would prefer to have taxes cut--really easy
budgets in this Town for many years; think it will continue to be a difficult
situation; one of few places with chance for significant savings; would like to
see changeover to rollout refuse collection;
JBr--make a change of some kind in collection system--have a consultant
examine alternatives; could cost us a lot of money prior to saving funds in the
future; better to wait and see what the consultant has to say about this; at
least wait for a few months; wait to see what consultant says--might result in
greater savings to citizens;
MC--premature to change system over;
said same thing about a year ago at this time;
$1,988,680 for sanitation services recommended in proposed budget;
believe the system is somewhat broken; been described by some as a cadillac
system; need to take a serious look at this in next year; BBP--often look at
Town as being unique; think we should be unique in continuing with current
system--one of advantages that all residents can share without any extra costs
to anyone; many elderly could not roll carts; some elderly have nice paved
driveways on which to roll carts; some people pay others to have carts rolled
for them; once per week pickup may contribute to odor problems;
WCH--asked to review information
about capital maintenance; listed detail in memorandum; glad to answer any
questions; AW--some of these are maintenance and others are new capital items--
somewhat analagous to maintenance of streets--how much to keep things up; not
what we had in mind for bond money--would like to see us dedicate some amount
of money annually for maintenance and replacement items; always some
extraordinary expenses; always have at least $50,000 per year; also possibly
use CDBG funds to supplement; a number of our parks really need a lot of
maintenance; spend at least $30,000 in maintenance for other parks; AW--combination of capital reserves and
payments-in-lieu; Hargraves--possibly use CDBG funds; Hargraves is special case
this year--in horrible shape--funds from capital reserve or CDBG; WCH--attorney says can not use CDBG funds
for maintenance; can use for capital maintenance--new long term life; JA--think
this is a good idea; AW--key item is
maintenance; really simple, unexciting $5,000 or $10,000 item; AW--how much in
budget for Hargraves? WCH--$30,000 to
be reappropriated; need at least $16,000 more for Hargraves improvements; Broun--in addition, this year, talking about
$46,000 more in addition to $30,000 recommended already; Broun--if spent
$46,000 for Hargraves this year; what is potential for deterioration at other
facilities; Battle--major renovations
at other facilities in past; Broun--$46,000 contribution for maintenance this
year at Hargraves; adding another $30,000 somewhat troublesome; AW--have not
spent anything; realize can not bind future Councils; WCH--talking about
capital maintenance tonight; get to point where things have to be replaced;
WCH--information requested about
vehicles--additions or replacements; add a total of three vehicles proposed;
should have first tub grinding within the month; vehicles have to be turned in
to vehicle maintenance shop for evaluation--constantly pulling equipment out of
stock; do not allow anyone to accumulate vehicles; JCap--what is scraper?
WCH--used to move dirt at landfill.
JCap--feel that a new one is justified?
WCH--have no doubt; BBP--too
many vehicles/equipment in P&R;
WCH--some vehicles and equipment beyond repair; MC--appreciate report; need to replace
police patrol cars fairly regularly; many of these vehicles seem to be fairly
recent; realize some vehicles get heavy and hard use--WCH--system in use to
keep vehicles based on service life;
MC--not competent judge condition of vehicles personally; normally less
expensive to repair than purchase a vehicle; hard to believe that is cheaper to
buy new vehicles than to replace some; wonder if possible to purchase used
vehicles; WCH--inspections--replacing vehicle that was wrecked; Purchasing used
vehicles--no dependable market for consistently reliable vehicles on a
dependable basis; cars driven for a
long term for personal use; business--need to take into account salaries for
repairing vehicles;
JBr--replace rear-loading sanitation
trucks--different kind of collection system--might be just as well to make
chnages in trucks--impact type of equipment needed; WCH--need some
equipment--may not be able to make change fast enough; kind of trucks which we
buy are versatile; easy to market--standard quality and type--principally thinking
about providing dependable service; MC--dollar figure for van for internal
services; $13,300 versus $9,186---portions in Public Works and Library budgets;
WCH--memos from Chiefs Pendergraph
and Jones--training and travel costs; Broun--Council can look these over; WCH--updated 1992-93 and 1993-94 data for
tax rates; County has had large education expenditures; AW--would like chart on an equivalency
basis; this chart really does not say anything; WCH--could try to do so; AW--talking about an average number; WCH--trying to show it is not Town rate;
JHz--County contribution for library
services--think this is year to do something about this; ask Mayor to talk to
Moses Carey; don't begrudge Carrboro to have a library, but Town would
subsidize County system and that proposed in Carrboro; Broun--raised recently and will raise
again; JHz--believe Council is united
on this; Broun--concur; will raise
concern with Commissioner Carey; Broun--received requests from Law Enforcement
Committee favorably; effectively rejected a rollout system; some real problems with sales tax exemption;
urge Council to remember fairness to staff when looking for savings; remember
to be fair for people doing work for Town; hard-working staff--need to maintain
them; 8:11 p.m.
Bruce Heflin--