A Resolution Supporting A Clean Water Management Trust Fund Grant Application for the Bolin Creek Watershed Restoration Project and Authorizing the Manager to Execute aN Agreement with the Town of Carrboro for Chapel Hill’s PARTICIPATION if Grant is AwardED (2006-10-09/R-6)


WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill is a strong proponent of protecting its natural resources and improving the water quality in its water bodies; and


WHEREAS, the Clean Water Management Trust Fund is a potential funding source for conducting a detailed assessment and analysis of the Bolin Creek watershed to identify areas of erosion and other high risk locations, sources of hydrologic instability and pollution, and priority sub-watersheds for targeted projects; and


WHEREAS, the Town of Carrboro intends to submit a grant application to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund on behalf of the Bolin Creek Watershed Restoration Team, of which the Town of Chapel Hill is a partner; and


WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill is interested in participating in cooperative and collaborative endeavors with the Town of Carrboro that will result in environmental and ecological benefits for both communities;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council supports the Clean Water Management Trust Fund mini-grant application to be submitted by the Town of Carrboro for the Bolin Creek Watershed Restoration Project.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to execute, on behalf of the Town of Chapel Hill, an agreement with the Town of Carrboro detailing each agency’s obligations and responsibilities if the grant is awarded.


This the 9th day of October, 2006.