Solid Waste - Yard Waste Dumpster

That address could not be found in the service area for Solid Waste - Yard Waste Dumpster. If you need further assistance please contact (919) 969-5100.

Yard waste dumpsters are rented on a first-come-first-served basis. Please be aware that our reservation system may allow you to make payment for a dumpster that is no longer available. In those cases, we will contact you and make alternative arrangements (e.g., refund or schedule rental on another day).

  • That I am NOT a contractor; my need arises from doing yard work at my home.
  • That the debris container shall only be used for tree limbs, leaves, shrubbery, grass trimmings, yard debris, and logs 10-inches or less in diameter; there should be no dirt or sod placed in containers.
  • That I will NOT place stumps and logs greater than 10-inches in diameter, building debris, garbage, concrete, bricks and other bulky items within the refuse container and any such materials that are placed into the container will be removed by the homeowner upon notification by the Solid Waste Services Division. Failure to remove items will result in a prohibition of future container usage at this location and by this resident. If any of these items are found in the container, we will back-charge you with the fine(s) or any additional disposal charges we receive at the landfill.
  • That materials are to be loaded manually; no machine loading is permitted.
  • That I will NOT fill the load above the top of the container and no material will be sticking up past the top of the container. An exception is that containers filled solely with logs (10-inches or less in diameter) can only be filled halfway to the top of the container due to weight restrictions for transporting the container.
  • That I will release the Town from liability for any damage resulting from Town equipment or personnel being on private property to deliver or remove the debris container.
  • That I will be responsible for any injuries that result to individuals using the container or damages directly to the container while being used by the homeowner.
  • That a fee for each weekday/weekend will be paid, prior to delivery.
  • That the yard waste materials are generated at the approved address

Yard waste dumpsters are rented on a first-come-first-served basis. Please be aware that our reservation system may allow you to make payment for a dumpster that is no longer available. In those cases, we will contact you and make alternative arrangements (e.g., refund or schedule rental on another day).

(Placement of the container may be restricted due to safety or other concerns.)

Rates per dumpster are M-T-W-Th are $35.00 daily. Fri is $60.00, which includes the weekend.

Yard waste dumpsters are rented on a first-come-first-served basis. Please be aware that our reservation system may allow you to make payment for a dumpster that is no longer available. In those cases, we will contact you and make alternative arrangements (e.g., refund or schedule rental on another day).