City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 2/22/2010

Title of Agenda Item: Public Forum on Possible Regulation of Cell Phone Use by Operators of Motor Vehicles.

Background: Tonight's Public Forum has been scheduled to receive comment from citizens related to the use of cell phones and other similar electronic equipment by  the operators of motor vehicles.  Issues related to the safety of such use and possible regulation by the Town are among the topics which may be discussed.

Following tonight's forum and discussion by the Council, we recommend that the Council provide the Town staff with guidance regarding the Council's interest in considering this matter further.

Attached are:

1. A report from the Town Attorney addressing the Town's legal authority to regulate use of cell phones by operators of moving motor vehicles.  This report was requested on February 8 at the time the Council scheduled this forum.

2. Copies of current state statutes governing use of cell phones and other electronic equipment by motor vehicle operators and additional information related to this issue from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Additional information on the issue of drivers and use of cell phones is available through the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center website.

Fiscal Note: No fiscal impact identified at this time.

Recommendations: That the Council receive comment and consider next steps.

Viewing attachments may require Adobe Acrobat.
Staff Memorandum
N.C. General Statutes
Questions and Answers Regarding Cell Phones
Status Report from Insurance Initiative of Highway Safety
Citizen Correspondence