TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Continuation of Concept Plan Review: Chapel Watch Village
DATE: September 26, 2005
Tonight, the Council continues the May 16, 2005 Public Hearing concerning the Concept Plan for the Chapel Watch Village Residential Development. The purpose of tonight’s hearing is to receive comments from the Transportation Board and citizens concerning the Chapel Watch Village Traffic Impact Analysis and a proposed connection of the Chapel Watch Village street network to Maywood Drive in the existing Larkspur Subdivision.
The proposed Chapel Watch Village is located on the south side of Eubanks Road, north of the Larkspur Subdivision. Chapel Watch Village proposes the construction of 120 multi-family dwelling units.
Tonight’s review of the Chapel Watch Village Concept Plan is unusual because 1) this is the third time the Council will consider a Concept Plan for this project; and 2) there is an active Special Use Permit application for Chapel Watch Village on file with the Town.
Because there is an active Special Use Permit application on file for this project, tonight’s Concept Plan Review discussion by the Council is quasi-judicial in nature.
On March 17, 2003, the Town Council reviewed a Concept Plan for Chapel Watch Village. On May 5, 2003, the Town received and accepted a Special Use Permit for the Chapel Watch Village project. Earlier this year the applicant informed staff about proposed changes to the plan and a desire to return to the Concept Plan Review process.
On May 16, 2005, the Council held a public hearing on the proposed Chapel Watch Village Concept Plan. At the public hearing, residents of the Larkspur Subdivision voiced concerns about the proposed street connection to Chapel Watch and the Traffic Impact Statement prepared for the Chapel Watch project.
On May 16th the Council requested that the Transportation Board review and comment on the following issues:
Minutes from the May 16th Council meeting, citizen handouts from the meeting and the May 16th memorandum from the Concept Plan proposal are attached.
The Transportation Board reviewed the charge from the Council on June 21, 2005. Copies of the Transportation Impact Analysis Summary for Chapel Watch Village, the Town’s Operations Center, the applicant’s Concept Plan materials and draft minutes from the Council’s May 16th meeting were distributed to the Transportation Board. During the meeting the Board also received a petition submitted by Larkspur Safety First (see attachment).
On August 9, and August 16, 2005, the Board continued their discussion. Copies of the Board’s packets from the two meetings are attached to this memorandum. Issues raised by the Larkspur Safety First petition are discussed in the August 9th materials.
On August 16, 2005, the Board voted four to three to recommend a connection between Chapel Watch Village and the Larkspur subdivision, along Maywood Road. The Board also recommended that consideration be given to traffic calming devices. A Summary of Transportation Board Action is attached. Also attached to this memorandum is a statement from the three dissenting Board members.
Subsequent to the August 16, 2005 meeting, we have received several letters and emails from citizens. These correspondences are attached.
Following tonight’s meeting, staff will continue the process of reviewing the applicant’s Special Use Permit application. Once staff has completed their review, the application will be schedule for review by the Town’s Advisory Boards. The Planning Board, Transportation Board, Community Design Commission, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Park and Recreation Commission and the Greenways Commission will review the application and forward recommendations and comments to the Council.
We recommend that the Council receive the comments from the Transportation Board, citizens,
and adopt a resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.
1. Summary of August 16, 2005 Transportation Board Action (p. 5).
2. Statement from dissenting Transportation Board members (p. 6).
3. August 16, 2005 Transportation Board packet (p. 7).
4. August 9, 2005 Transportation Board packet (p. 11).
5. June 16, 2005 Larkspur Safety First petition (p. 19).
6. Citizen correspondence (p. 21).
7. Summary Minutes from the May 16, 2005 Council meeting (p. 31).
8. Citizen handouts and statements: May 16, 2005 Council meeting (p. 43).
9. May 16, 2005 Chapel Watch Village Concept Plan memorandum (p. 56).
WHEREAS, a Concept Plan has been submitted for review by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill, for the Chapel Watch Village – Residential Development; and
WHEREAS, the Council has heard presentations by the applicant, and citizens; and
WHEREAS, the Council has received comments from the Transportation Board on the proposed connection to Maywood Road and the Chapel Watch Village Traffic Impact Analysis; and
WHEREAS, the Council has discussed the proposal, with Council members offering reactions and suggestions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council transmits comments to the applicant regarding this proposal, as expressed by Council members during discussions on September 26, 2005, and reflected in minutes of that meeting.
This the 26th day of September, 2005.