TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Steve Spade, Transportation Director


SUBJECT:      Response to Transportation Board Request for Transit Services


DATE:            June 7, 2006



This budget working paper responds to the request by the Transportation Board to include funds in the 2006-2007 budget for additional transit services. The working paper also addresses a citizen request for additional bus service along the Weaver Dairy Road Extension.




The Transportation Board submitted a petition to the Town Council on April 18, 2006 (Attachment 1) requesting new and modified transit services, purchase of passenger amenities and a study of existing routes and schedules.




Discussed below are the individual requests presented by the Transportation Board on April 18, 2006. The Town’s ability to address these requests, particularly for new or expanded services, is restricted by the point in the budget process that the Transportation Board made their request. If a decision is made to introduce a new service or make substantial modifications to existing routes we do not believe there is adequate time to make the necessary operational plans and prepare associated information for the service guide prior to January, 2007.  In addition, the Transportation Board has suggested that a review of the performance of the system be conducted.  This is an appropriate activity to conduct and it is further suggested that the study should be completed prior to implementation of any significant service improvements.


Staff recommends the Transportation Board submit specific service requests to the Town Council in January of each year. This will provide adequate opportunity for discussion throughout the budget process. In order to meet a January target date the Transportation Board will need to follow the general schedule below:

September – October

Public Forum

October – December

Evaluate and develop recommendations

January – February

Present recommendations to Transportation Board and Town Council


Below are staff responses to each of the Transportation Board requests: (Please note that several responses will refer to the Passenger Amenities Program that has been developed by Chapel Hill Transit staff and is included as Attachment 2.)


1)          Improve Service on the CL Line. The Transportation Board requested modifications to the schedule to improve connectivity for University and Hospital staff.


Comment: Staff will review the schedule on the CL route and make modifications to the fall schedule to better coordinate with travel demands of those using this route.  We do not anticipate a budget impact from minor modifications to the existing schedule.


2)          Install time point schedules at every stop.  The Board requested the installation of time point schedules at each stop.


Comment: Over the next 12 months Chapel Hill Transit staff will install schedule information at timepoints throughout the system.  The estimated cost of $25,000 for this activity will be covered by utilizing additional state funds available for one year only. (see Attachment 2)


3)          Provide support for a study of existing routes and schedules.  The Board requested a study of existing routes and schedules to evaluate overall efficiency.


Comment: Beginning in July, 2006 Chapel Hill Transit and Transportation Planning staff will undertake a joint project to evaluate the efficiency and productivity of the existing fixed route transit network.  The information gathered from this analysis will be used to support the development of the short range transit plan and the Transportation Board’s planning process.



4)          Expand evening service: The Board asked that weekday evening service be expanded.


 Comment: We believe that the analysis of existing routes and schedules will identify opportunities for modifications to existing schedules, including extending the service hours of current routes. We recommend delaying any expansion of evening service until this analysis is complete. Any proposals for service expansion should also be reviewed by the Public Transit Committee.


5)          Expand weekend service: The Board requested expansion of weekend transit services.


Comment: We recommend delaying any expansion of weekend services until the analysis of existing routes and schedules is completed. We anticipate that this analysis will identify options for expanding service, including weekend service.


6)         Install new bus shelters:  The Board requested that new bus shelters and related amenities be installed in Chapel Hill. The Board requested $50,000 and asked that Carrboro and the University be asked to invest a similar amount to improve passenger amenities.


Comment: Chapel Hill Transit staff has developed an amenities plan (see Attachment 2) to improve the maintenance and appearance of the shelters and benches throughout the community.  The plan also recommends the placement of at least five new shelters throughout the community over the next 12 months. Personnel for this activity are provided for in the existing budget.  Capital funds in the amount of $290,000 are available from additional state funds.



7)         Investigate downtown shuttle: The Board suggested that the Town investigate the feasibility of establishing a downtown shuttle, between North Greensboro Street in Carrboro and Henderson Street in Chapel Hill.


Comment: We agree that improving transit connectivity between Chapel Hill and Carrboro should be evaluated. We anticipate that the review of transit routes and schedules and the development of the short range transit plan will provide an opportunity to evaluate opportunities for improved transit services. We believe the creation of a shuttle between Chapel Hill and Carrboro should include discussions with Carrboro.



8)          Institute service along Weaver Dairy Road Extension: The Board requested that the existing HS route be revised to extend along the Weaver Dairy Road extension. (Attachment 3) The Council also received a petition from residents of the neighborhoods along the Weaver Dairy Extension requesting transit service. (Attachment 3)


Comment: We believe the provision of transit service along Weaver Dairy Extension should be pursued as part of the system-wide evaluation of existing routes and schedules. The implementation of the proposed extension of the HS Route at this time would be difficult given current bus availability because it would require an additional bus operating during the morning peak period. In addition, expansion of this service would require discussions with both Carrboro and the University as part of the Public Transit Committee. We propose to include providing service to this area as part of our larger transit service reevaluation.




We recommend that the Council make no changes at this time to transit services for the 2006-2007 service period. We recommend proceeding with the repair of existing and provision of new transit passenger amenities as proposed. We also propose to complete a review of the current transit routes and schedules as requested by the Transportation Board and work with the Board and the Public Transit Committee to develop a comprehensive set of service modifications. We believe this evaluation of current services will address the areas of need identified by the Transportation Board and the public during the annual forum on transit services. We also recommend that the Transportation Board begin their review of possible transit services changes earlier in the coming year with a goal of having recommendations for the Council in January, 2007.




  1. Transportation Board petition (p. 5).
  2. Chapel Hill Transit Passenger Amenities Program (p. 7).
  3. Map of Proposed HS Route Revisions (p. 9).
  4. Citizen Petition (p. 10).