TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Dedication of a Revised Sewer Easement within Pritchard Park to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority
DATE: June 26, 2006
This report presents OWASA’s responses to concerns raised by a Council member related to a proposed OWASA sewer easement in Pritchard Park.
The attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to execute a revised sewer easement within Pritchard Park that would allow the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) to close the Clayton Road pump station and install a gravity sewer line. Please see the attached copy of the June 12, 2006 agenda item concerning the proposed easement.
On June 12, 2006, the Council considered the issue of granting a revised sewer easement through Pritchard Park. A Council member asked that the proposed dedication be postponed in order to address specific concerns related to the proposed sewer line’s impact on the park and its vegetation.
The following issues were presented to OWASA.
Issue #1 – Width of Clearing: Use less than the full width of the 30-foot easement. Clear as little as possible for as much of the length of the project as possible. Identify, in the field, the areas where that is possible or not. It may be possible in some places to clear as little as 15 feet.
OWASA’s Response: OWASA has agreed to clear as little as possible. They agree that in some places clearing can be limited to 20 feet. They state that further reductions in clearing would depend on site conditions. OWASA points out that space is needed for trench work and storage of materials until the work is complete. They continue to request the full 30-foot easement for maintenance and emergency repair purposes, although the actual clearing would not be the full 30 feet.
Issue #2 – Tree Protection Fencing: Erect meaningful physical barriers, more substantial than the usual tree protection fencing, to enforce the notion of reduced clearing and maximum tree protection.
OWASA’s Response: OWASA has agreed to install temporary chain link fencing, or acceptable alternatives, during construction.
Issue #3 – Tree Root Zones: Identify specific areas where nearby trees, outside the immediate clearing area, would likely suffer associated root damage from the clearing and avoid them, where practicable.
OWASA’s Response: OWASA has agreed to address this issue by working closely with the Town’s urban forester throughout the design and construction process.
Issue #4 – Environmental Preservation:Refer to OWASA’s efforts at the North Carolina Botanical Gardens for tree and stream protection as a model for this project.
OWASA’s Response: OWASA has agreed to this suggestion. They state that they will mitigate environmental impacts to the greatest extent possible.
Issue #5 –Stream Protection: Provide as much room as possible between the routing of the sewer line and the stream.
OWASA’s Response: OWASA notes that the proposed location of the sewer line was arrived at after extensive discussions with Town staff. They agree that separation from the stream is desirable.
Issue #6 – Re-Vegetation: Work with the urban forester on re-vegetation to reduce the likelihood of introducing invasive exotic plants.
OWASA’s Response: OWASA agrees to work closely with the Town’s urban forester to identify plants that are non-invasive, native, consistent with waterwise landscaping principles, and will not negatively impact sewer lines.
Staff Comment: We believe that OWASA has positively addressed the concerns of the Council member. The proposed easement was the result of extensive site review, is further from the stream than the existing easement, avoids more significant trees, and avoids a long straight view up the sewer line from Library Drive. If the Council agrees, we would work closely with OWASA throughout the design and construction phases of the project to ensure that the impact of this project is as minimal as is reasonably possible.
Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following resolution authorizing the Manager to dedicate a sewer easement to OWASA, such easement being located within the Town’s Pritchard Park property.
1. June 20, 2006 Letter from OWASA (p. 5).
2. June 12, 2006 Council Agenda Item Concerning a Proposed Sewer Easement in Pritchard Park (p. 8).