Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager




George Small, P.E., Engineering Director


Kumar Neppalli, Traffic Engineer




Approval of Pedestrian Safety Improvements at the Intersection of Sage Road and Old Sterling Drive




December 4, 2006





Adoption of the attached resolution would authorize the use of up to $25,000 of 2003 Sidewalk and Street Improvement Bond funds for the installation of the following pedestrian safety improvements:


We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution.




At its November 20, 2006 meeting, the Town Council received several requests for pedestrian safety improvements in the Sage Road and Old Sterling Drive area. Citizens submitted traffic safety requests to the Council during the Public Hearing for the Chapel Hill Bible Church Park and Ride Lot development application.  Please see the map provided in Attachment 1.


Old Sterling Drive is 33 feet wide from back-to-back of curbs including a 28-foot wide asphalt paved driving surface.  Sidewalks exist at some locations on both sides of the road, but the sidewalk is not continuous on either side.  The posted speed limit is 25 mph, and the street lighting exists in accordance with Town standards.


Sage Road is a five-lane road with 60 feet of pavement width and curb, gutter and sidewalk on both sides.  The posted speed limit is 35 mph.


Based on our observations, we agree that it can be difficult for pedestrians to cross Sage Road due to its significant width and multiple travel lanes. We recommend the following improvements at the intersection of Sage Road and Old Sterling Drive:


We believe that these intersection improvements will enhance pedestrian safety in this segment of Sage Road.  If approved by the Town Council, we would use a private contractor to design and construct the refuge island. Handicapped ramps already exist at this intersection and crosswalks and pedestrian warning signs would be installed by the Town forces within the next two months.




We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the use of up to $25,000 of 2003 Sidewalk and Street Improvement Bond funds for the installation of the following pedestrian safety improvements:



  1. Area Map (p. 4).