for Communications in Orange County, N.C.


This guide was developed by the Communicators Work Group, consisting of professionals from various agencies in Orange County, N.C., who routinely communicate information related to public safety and health, utilities and services, government and education. We communicate information that matters. During crises or emergencies, we are responsible for distributing reliable information quickly, efficiently and accurately. In some instances, our service areas intersect so that we are telling (parts of) the same story at the same time. Our messages should be consistent and helpful to the public. Generally, we comprise the following agencies:


  • Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools
  • Duke Energy
  • Town of Carrboro
  • Town of Chapel Hill
  • Town of Hillsborough
  • Orange County
  • Orange Co. American Red Cross
  • Orange County Public Schools
  • UNC-Chapel Hill


Our Goals


Agreement for Emergency or Urgent Communications


Resources in this Guide



Updated: December 2006 (8 pages)