Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager




J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director


Gene Poveromo, Development Coordinator




Concept Plan:  Woodmont Mixed-Use Development




February 19, 2007





Attached is a proposal for Concept Plan review for the Woodmont Development proposal. The Council has the opportunity tonight to hear this applicant’s presentation, receive a set of comments from the Community Design Commission, hear public comment, and offer suggestions to the applicant for consideration as further plans are drawn.  At the conclusion of the evening’s discussion, we recommend that the Council adopt a resolution (attached) transmitting comments to the applicant.




This Concept Plan proposal involves construction of an office and residential mixed-use development.  The proposed project is located on the south side of Stancell Drive, between Barbee Chapel Road and Little John Road (see area map - attachment 4).  The proposed project includes 11 buildings with 581,400 square feet of floor area and 1,635 parking spaces. Sixty dwelling units are proposed including 102,000 square feet of floor area. The proposal also includes the demolition of several existing buildings including a warehouse and several residential structures.  The site is located in Durham County, in the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning district, the Residential-2 (R-2) zoning district, and the Watershed Protection District.


The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identifies a portion of the site as Low Residential, 1-4 units per acre, and Medium Residential, 4-8 units per acre. The site is identified as Durham County Property Identifier Numbers: 9798-04-93-2025, 9798-04-92-4362, 9798-04-92-4166, 9798-04-92-0911, 9798-04-92-0436, 9798-04-92-0097, 9798-04-82-0071, 9798-04-82-6431, 9798-04-81-2815, and 9798-04-71-8729.




A Concept Plan for this site was initially reviewed by the Community Design Commission on December 14, 2005 and the Council on February 20, 2006. A copy of Council comments from the February 20, 2006 meeting is attached (Attachment 1). On September 20, 2006, the applicant submitted a revised Concept Plan proposal. The Community Design Commission reviewed the revised Concept Plan on October 25, 2006. A summary of comments from the meeting is attached (Attachment 2). 




The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining development applications, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines, and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.


The proposal reviewed by the Community Design Commission on October 25, 2006 is identical to the proposal before the Council tonight.


The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal.  Review of the Concept Plan submitted is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, Town Council.




We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from citizens, and adopt a resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.



  1. February 20, 2006 Town Council Concept Plan Summary Minutes (p. 4).
  2. October 25, 2006 Community Design Commission Concept Plan Summary (p. 14).
  3. Citizen Emails (p. 17).
  4. Area Map (p. 23).
  5. Concept Plan application materials (p. 24).